If Tumblr was a school


















Physical Education (gym/P.E):






Political studies:


Students at the school:


After looking at this I realised that over half of the student population would be female

I am a history teacher. I like this post.

I am a foreign language teacher.  Who do I get?

How  about:

1. Always post the rules.

2. Answer the questions of the person who tagged you and write 11 new ones.
3. Tag 11 people and link them.

4. Let them know that they are tagged

I was tagged by theonceandfuturemom

1. have you ever cheated on your partner? Yes, many many years ago. One of my few regrets.

2. If you met The Doctor today, would you chuck everything and just go? (thoughtful answer, please) I would. There’s very little in my day to day life that I would miss. Tumblr. lol.

3. Would you cheat in school? The last time I cheated in school was in 5th grade and I got caught and I’ve never cheated since because I felt way guilty.

4. have you lied to your parents about something important? Not really, unless you count lies of omission

5. Would you be willing to wait until you got married to have sex? I nearly did. My husband was my first (part of what lead to answer 1)

6. Would you have sex with someone famous just because they’re famous? Possibly. Only if I found them really attractive.

7. Have you ever had a gay experience or a straight experience, if you’re gay)? One time, I liked it

8. What is the nastiest thing you’ve ever eaten? Calf fries. It’s deep fried calf balls in gravy 🙂

9. what do you want to be when you grow up? I’m still trying to figure that out. A writer.

10. What makes you proud of you? When someone really likes my writing. My produst moment was probably graduating boot camp.

11. what is your all time favorite movie? probably the Muppet movie.


  1. If you could only pick one, which fictional universe would you live in?
  2. Why did you pick your tumblr name?
  3. What is your earliest memory?
  4. Sonic screwdriver or magic wand?
  5. Favorite piece of art?
  6. If you got handed a million dollars with no strings, what would you do?
  7. If you could have five people to dinner from any time in history, who would you have? What would the conversation be like? 
  8. tea, coffee or soda?
  9. What phrases or quotes do you use all the time?
  10. Fanfiction rec?
  11. Which muppet is your favorite?

We’re having fun but you may call it madness: merindab: We’re having fun but you may call it madness: merindab:…

We’re having fun but you may call it madness: merindab: We’re having fun but you may call it madness: merindab:…

You know how when you track a tag it’ll tell you similar tags? Right now this is what’s coming up for my name.

I’m just going to blame willietheplaidjacket for that one. And possibly dvancecinco…

Hello, beautiful person ♡ once you get this, you must share five random facts about yourself, and then pass this onto your ten favourite followers ♡

Let’s go with injuries. for some reason.
  1. The only time I had stitches as a kid it was because my brother threw a thing at me and it cut me across my temple.
  2. I sprained my ankle in Junior High playing ultimate frisbee. Heard it crunch when I landed. The teacher didn’t believe me and tried to make me walk it off. I showed up the next day with crutches and a cast and she still wanted a doctor’s note.
  3. I sprained a finger playing basketball when I was in the Navy. They had to cut my wedding ring off due to swelling.
  4. Never broken a bone though.
  5. Passed out at a burger king after giving blood one time. Because I hadn’t eaten enough before hand. I was more pissed that nobody noticed or asked if I was okay then anything else.





Hey everyone, I’ve got some Red Pants Monday stuff queued up today, with some new art by willietheplaidjacket and a lovely fic my merindab so make sure you check those out!  (and if you aren’t following both of them, do so pronto—they’re awesome!)  Everything is tagged with #red pants monday (and) #rpm —so just in case you need to blacklist anything you can do so!  

I hope you all have the best Monday you can have!  Also, I’ve been reading lots this weekend so I hope I have a bunch of really great PFFR material for you!  As always, feel free to submit things to me if you happen to come across a great fic or you want to promote your own stuff!  I love to rec fics! (hint hint send me things!)

Are you following dvancecinco? If not you should. She’s wonderful and encouraging always has lots of sherlock material (and some supernatural too). And Red Pants Monday and Friday fic recs!

And willietheplaidjacket is an amazing artist you should also be following, and not just because her art inspires me to write stuff.

Uhm for realsies, you two.

Merindab-Go follow this amazing writer!  There’s such good material here, I love love love her Supernatural and Torchwood and BBC Sherlock fics.  Supernatural and Torchwood put together makes for some sexy times, let me tell you!  

And did I mention, she’s got a book too?  Get on that like pronto!  I know you’re going to love following her!


I come home from work to find this. You guys are both fantastic! Willie I’ve written some great fics thanks to both your art and encouragement and Dvance you’ve helped people find my fics and get my stuff out there and have been greatly encouraging to boot. Have some love via gifs!