Hey all.
I hope you have your boots strapped on tight, your reading glasses wiped free of smudges, your favorite reading spot reserved for the next 48 hours and your laptop charged as charged can be.
It’s that time of year. It’s the two year anniversary of penis friday fic rec. PFFR.
Everything is tagged as follows:
#penis friday #penis friday fic rec #fandom #pairing #fic rec #author’s name #two year anniversary
I am so excited for this glorious event! I’ve got 48 hours of fics planned for us, every 15 minutes you’ll get a a new fic popping up out of the snow. Like daisies. It’s going to be glorious and so full of literature we probably won’t know what to do with ourselves.
So, keep your friends close and your sexy bits closer. Last year’s tag was #one year anniversary if you find yourself in dire need of fics to quench your thirsts.
Here’s to another year of fantastic fic reading! Go leave those authors some love and make sure you let them know how awesome their writings are. They’ve gone and done an awesome job of keeping us writhing and panting for more.
Dvance is made of awesome and win. I wouldn’t be the writer I without her encouragement. So go check her blog, give her a follow and enjoy.
And it’s almost any pairing tumblr cares about, from johnlock to wincest, Destiel to stucky. And everything in between. There’s bound to be something for every taste.