deaflock replied to your post “Okay one last squee about this weekend and John Barrowman. If anyone…”

That seems like a marvelous experience! I’m happy for you 🙂 He is a wonderful person. I hope to meet him myself next month.

I hope you do too! I’m sure he’d love to meet you.

danielleblogsjohnlock replied to your post

What’s an awesome story, merinda! What and incredible human that Barrowman is! Congratulations!!

Thanks! I’m glad to know he really is that nice.

everythingelsegoesherethen replied to your post

super happy for you <33


TORCHWOOD (and spn if ur in it i forget and then sherlock i know ur int)


THE OTP: jack/ianto

M/F OTP:  gwen/rhys

M/M OTP: jack/ianto

F/F OTP: I…don’t have one

Fav Female: Gwen
Fav Male: Jack

Least Fav Female: I don’t have one
Least Fav Male: Adam

Why I joined the fandom: I fell in love with Jack harkness


THE OTP: John/Sherlock

M/F OTP: I don’t have one

M/M OTP: John/Sherlock

F/F OTP: don’t have one

Fav Female: Sally Donovan
Fav Male: John Watson

Least Fav Female:
Least Fav Male: Anderson

Why I joined the fandom: I watched the show and I was on tumblr, it was kinda inevitable….

And I haven’t watched enough supernatural to really answer that