The more Sherlock drinks… the more he drinks.
Song by Blake Shelton. Video for crimson-winter.
My other videos can be found on my YouTube page or on my video tag.
kingsman || ain’t going back
If you call yourself a Kingsman fan, please do yourself a favour and watch this.
Utter perfection.
If you aren’t a fan of Kingsman, but you love perfect video editing, you need to see this. I can’t believe how amazing this is. I’m gonna watch it again.
Harry Potter as a teen comedy…
Seriously, I will reblog everytime. Whoever did this, I have eternal love for you.
Sherlock mix with Bruno Mars’s hit Uptown Funk !
because Sherlock is so hot ( hot damn
Jack Harkness: Another Suitcase in Another Hall [x]
Dean Winchester – Take Me to church [x]
I can’t even…
Torchwood and Supernatural… Miracle Day would be the easiest to crossover yet, given it’s actually set in America as opposed to Wales.
Hey Brother – Avicii
Winchester brothers. And wow this song and this vid (x)