My thoughts on Fargo below the cut (tl;dr it’s amazing, also spoilers)

Holy fuck Martin Freeman. I love actors that can vanish into a role and make me forget they’re not the character.

The swelling rage that Lester caries is not the same as John Watson’s or Arthur Dent’s. It’s another creature entirely and he’s fully justified in getting upset when someone tries to say all his characters are the same, because they are so not.

And Billy Bob Thornton as Malvo is magnificent force of controlled Chaos and Anarchy that descends on Lester’s life.

I’ll be curious to see what happens with Colin Hanks character as well.

Alison Tomlan does a fantastic job as well, her policewoman is smart and clever and observant…which I’m a little afraid is going to get her killed, but I guess we’ll see.

The dialogue is whipsmart and perfect, at least to my ears. And I’m looking forward to see what happens next.

So what brought the actor the series? It was the script. “The whole first episode is what I based my decision on,” Freeman says. “For pretty much the entire ten episodes, I get to play the full depth of human experience.” Freeman says that’s an actor’s dream, something he couldn’t turn down. He describes showrunner/writer Noah Hawley’s scripts as full of surprises – and as an actor, it was worthwhile to not overprepare, to allow the character to be surprised from scene to scene: “Your understanding really evolves as you read. So by the end of episode ten, Lester is doing things that he wouldn’t do in episode one.”

Martin talks about what brought him to playing the role of Lester Nygaard in Fargo (x)