Everybody pause your discussions about white men in androgynous clothing for a second and look at Ranveer Singh, a brown bollywood actor absolutely SMASHING it in these outfits for Vogue India
Hes wearing a whole dress with BANGLES if yall cant tell
Everybody pause your discussions about white men in androgynous clothing for a second and look at Ranveer Singh, a brown bollywood actor absolutely SMASHING it in these outfits for Vogue India
Hes wearing a whole dress with BANGLES if yall cant tell
Give me Joan Rivers shrieking nasally at the camera, “I’m just saying, if you’re gonna wear that while rescuing me, I’d rather die by the hands of a supervillain, than be near that purple monstrosity”
Clint sharpening his arrows, muttering “maybe I won’t”
News channel reporters seriously discussing if Iron Man’s mini-skirt suit increases his crime fighting ability. “And now we have fashion expert, Edna Mode, in with us to talk about Captain America’s Nomad costume”
The Met Gala having a “superhero” theme, and half the celebrities coming in with elaborate capes (that make Edna put her head in her hands), and knee-high boots. (It was the first year the fancy gala was nicknamed “Stripper Bar on Superhero Night” in social media….it trended on Twitter)
Tony quietly buying off companies that produce action figures wearing his more unfortunate sartorial choices. (While he thinks his every suit is an impeccable work of Art and Engineering….even his shamelessness has limits)
Steve having to sign photos of him in his navel baring costume, and Clint gleefully signing his nude legs.
Natasha just looks at the idiotic soul who has the temerity to bring up her fishnet outfit.
Fashion police and Project Runway, diplomatically critiquing the costumes.
Also, designers and superhero aficionados copying the awful outfits, leading to an era of bad fashion choices.