when I try to hear this in my head my mental voice is incapable of pronouncing it fast enough to fit the timing of the line
“noooo oooone… adjksjfksfjslenry like Gaston!”
and when I try to fit it to one of the longer such lines, my mental voice becomes too confused about conflicting scansion to continue
no one’s droll like gaston no one’s swole like gaston no one fits his assigned gender role like gaston
I’m especially fond of the paaaatriaaarchy
My what a guy that gastooon
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my sister: oh my god
me: what?
my sister: i just realized something
me: ?
my sister: gaston is a nice guy.
me: …? um, no, sorry, he’s an asshole.
my sister: no, no, no, gaston is a ‘nice guy’. think about it. he spends the whole beginning of the movie trying to be friendly to belle. everyone else in that town thinks she’s a bookish freak with a crazy man for a father, but gaston like, talks to her and sort of tries to take an interest in her activities and compliments her and stuff with the complete 100% expectation that she’s going to pay him back by being in a relationship with him. he tunes out what she actually says because he doesn’t really think of her as a person, just a pretty trophy who should react to him the right way if he does the right things.
me: huh
my sister: and then when she hooks up with someone else, he gets all angry and shouty and insists that this other guy is a monster and she’s lost her damn mind because she was supposed to fall for HIM, not someone else, and then he goes and stirs up the townsfolk into an angry mob and turns the whole thing into a witch hunt over his wounded pride.
me: O_O
my sister: gaston is a nice guy.