they get fogged up when we drink hot beverages.
they get smudged for no reason.
we will push them up using anything in our area (i.e shoulder, whatever is in my hand, scrunching my nose up so they get pushed up, etc.).
they get knocked off our faces all. the. fucking. time.
when we change clothes we either take them off or they fall off when we pull our shirts off.
we have to clean them after being in the rain.
we own multiple pairs of them, not just one lone pair for our whole lives.
most people don’t wear them in the pool, but some have extra old pairs for the pool (like me).
some people take them off during sex, that’s fine! but some people keep them on.
they don’t get squished into your face when you kiss (most of the time. at least from what i’ve experienced and i’ve got some mf big glasses).
if we look down and look back up while you talk/to peek up at something, we will just peek blindly over the top of them.
we clean them on whatever item of clothing is closest.
some of us have prescription sunglasses and some of us wear contacts when we need to wear sunglasses.
please keep some of these in mind when you write characters with glasses cause y’all who have 20/20 vision keep telling me all characters sleep in their glasses and own the same singular pair from age 6-25 and they never clean them.
( there’s this but you missed a few iconic glasses traits – “where’d I put my glasses” (is wearing them) – new glasses getting scratched on basically nothing. where’d the nick come from? we just don’t know. – forgetting you’re wearing synthetic material and just smudge the junk on your glasses around – after doing so, proceeding to hunt down any friend who is wearing a more cottony material – getting eyelashes on your glasses – stabbing yourself in the face with the arm of your glasses – “woah are you blind?” – “how many fingers am I holding up??” – walking into a warm room from the cold and suddenly being unable to see because your glasses fogged up – going outside and everything is Super Crisp 1080p – having three pairs of glasses and putting all of them at once – “aw dude you have transition lenses? lucky.” – the non-glasses scrutinising squint – taking off your glasses and suddenly you’re a different entity entirely – if you’re too good for taking off your glasses when dressing/undressing, realising you didn’t pull the collar of a shirt out enough and subjecting to your fate )
-For female characters wearing eye makeup is pretty much useless
– the reason why is because no matter what we do, the mascara will smear on our glasses
– thinking “Oh, there’s a little smudge. I’ll just clean it quickly”, then taking the glasses off and wondering how the hell you could see with what looks like three layers of dirt on them
– giving your loved one a little kiss but in the wrong angle so their nose touches your glasses
– the look™ when you’re in your bed lying on the side with your glasses on (aka the glasses are skewed)
-sleeping in glasses fucking hurts… well, not anymore, but it used too
-if you have long eyelashes, having to push your glasses down your nose so they dont constantly rub each other, then having to push them up cuz you cant see
-*they tilt crooked slightly* oh wow, And… now Im falling over
-having transitions and right after walking into a building you can’t see because they’re still dark
-forgetting where you put them then having to either ask for help or judge your entire surroundings
-dont like contacts? like cosplaying? guess what! you’re blind now!
-trading glasses with other glasses wearers to see how blind your friends are
-when there’s a smudge that just. Won’t. Go. Away.
-“hey do you have lens cleaner?”
-your old glasses become your back up pair in case your current ones break
-metal and plastic frames are very different and most people have a preference
-for some, having to go get tested every year or so to see just how much worse your sight got, and then waiting weeks until the new lenses are ready
Y’all forget the best one
-people randomly removing your glasses from your face and putting them on only to say ‘why do you wear glasses?? You’re not even blind.’
…the problem is..i had that last one happen, but i actually do need glasses, the difference is only so small that most people don’t see it when they try my glasses XD
Characters over 40:
– they dont need glasses. Their arms are just TOO short. Stretch those arms AND put on a light. Use your phone’s flashlight if you need to. You are not old. The letters are just too small.
-some accept there fate. Glasses on, off, on, off.
– yes they are on the top of your head
– cords are for losers
– multifocale glasses come in crappy expensive ones and riduculously expensive slightly better ones
-when going down the stairs, chin on your chest, or you WILL fall (and break your hip)
When you are fasting (ramadan) your eyesight can change, when adding or loosing weight also, when pregnant also, in growspurt also.
Titanium glasses break less but when they do they are hard to repair.
If you got a really flat nose, good luck with wearing glasses
If you got a large nose, good luck finding a pair that fits.
If your eyes are close to eachother. Every glasses you wear look dumb. Try the kids section
People with down syndrome usually have their ears closer to the face. This means the spectacle feet are way to long and have to be shortened
-Breaking the nose piece off and being stabbed by the remaining bit. It can HURT
-fallong asleep in your glasses and they fall off and go god knows wherr hut now you are late to work because you can’t seeto find them
-having old ass glasses because (in America) you can’t afford to replace them/grt a new prescription
– checking for glucoma if it runs in her can go blind if you don’t. So you can have this done under medical insurance rather than vision insurance (again American things)
-if you are holding a baby they WILL take yout classes
-the never ending freaking comment /question “oh! You look so good without glasses. We don’t you get contacts?”
-always having a nose piece repair kit on you but somehow the tiny screwdriver always dissapears
– When you walk out of the shop with a new pair of glasses your depth perception is wonky as hell for the first little while and everything looks/feels weird
– we’ll turn our head rather than looking to the side. The glasses don’t cover the sides after all.
– are my glasses dirty or is there something on the screen?
– glasses are the first thing on in the morning and last thing at night. Minus the time you hold your phone two inches from your face to mindlessly scroll, check email, read ao3 etc
Something I didn’t realize existed until a couple years ago are prescription swim goggles. They’re cheap, and not perfect (one eye is stronger then the other for me, and they only come in the same strength for both eyes), but for less than $10 you can get in a pool and actually see something more than the color of someone’s swimsuit.