Can I play this song game?



Of course you can šŸ˜€

Umm, well the first thing was Corridors and Fire Escapeā€¦which is also Doctor Who musicā€¦

Second one is ā€œSomethinā€™ Badā€ by Goo Goo Dolls

And itā€™s not like me to feel so important
And itā€™s not like me to go and wreck your day
And I never thought Iā€™d see it so exploited
Ah but I know that somethin bad has gotta change

Crazy random happenstance: Goo Goo Dollsā€™s Dizzy Up the Girl was one of like my four ā€˜writingā€™ albums during high school. (I know itā€™s on a different one, but close enough)

I liked Boy Named Goo Better, but then again, I’m probably a little bit older… But it was one of my favorite albums in high school