
  • What they smell like: Hard work and something manly, but not too strong. Possibly an expensive gift from Mycroft that he uses sparingly.
  • How they sleep (sleeping position, schedule, etc): He works a lot of late nights and sometimes odd hours, but when he can his favorite position is on his back with Mycroft tucked up under his chin and an arm around him securely. When he sleeps alone it’s still on his back but with his arm tossed over his head to get at his weapon quickly if he needs to.
  • What music they enjoy: Classic rock, mostly.
  • How much time they spend getting ready every morning: Not much, depending on how much sleep he got. Usually just a quick shower.
  • Their favorite thing to collect: Just little things that he think might make Mycroft happy: a knick knack here and there, a bottle of wine. And recipes for when he has time to cook.
  • Left or right-handed: Right