Happy Birthday Merinda!!!! I hope you have an absolutely amazing day!!!
I did! I’m pooped, but I had a great day

Johnlock; “I don’t have time to play tour guide.”
“They’re your parents, Sherlock. I don’t have time to play tour guide. Some of us have to work for a living.” John was putting on his coat.
“But Mycroft is conviently out of the country. And they want to go to the West End.” Sherlock was having a full on sulk on the sofa.
“Sounds like an excellent time to see Les Miserables.”
Sherlock fixed him with a glare, but John was already headed out the door.
guixonlove replied to your photo “Wow. I hit 500k hits across everything. Thanks guys!”
Congrats Mer!!!!! *throws confetti in the air* That is absolutely fantastic!

guixonlove replied to your post: “guixonlove replied to your post: “guixonlove replied to your post “So…”:
So, if I were to just say a random word or phrase, would you have the perfect JB gif to go with it???
Well. I’m not the supernatural fandom. But I’d do my best