they have been in love for over a century and i don’t know when they will ever rest
someone mixed adele and the civil war trailer
and it’s even more sad that i thought it’d be@flatbear hey remember that conversation we had and also SORRY BUT YOU GOTTA SEE THIS
NOOOOOOO OOOOOOHHHHH okay but literally all sara and I did at work yesterday was alternate Adele songs and crying over Steve and bucky…
I’ve got a bunch of new followers the last couple days. Hello! Hope you enjoy your stay. My ask is always open and i’m friendly as a puppy if you ever want to say hi.

Goodness, bunch of new followers today!
Hello everyone! I’m Merinda, I’m friendly and my Ask is always open.
I also write a lot of (mostly Sherlock) fanfiction and I have an original novel for sale.
Can usually find me on Skype and AIM and frequently on various Livestreams.
I’ve got a lot of new followers over the last little bit, so, uh I just want to say hello and welcome to my little corner of mildly John Barrowman obsessed superwholock.
There’s links over in the sidebar for my book and my fanfic.
And I’m planning a giveaway at 500 followers, so, tell your friends if ya like it here?
Also I’m friendly as a labrador pup, so drop me a line anytime!
Hello to all you new people following me from Dallas!
I’ve got a bunch of new followers lately, so mostly I just want to say hello to all of you and I’m friendly, so feel free to drop me an ask if you’d like to chat. Otherwise, just welcome to my corner of the tumblrverse.