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i can walk into some of the shops in my town barefoot carrying my dog and nobody will tell me to leave.

target isn’t brave enough to build here.

The last bastion of hope.

yeah also it’s not illegal to ride a horse to a bar and get wrecked in lieu of a designated driver so like. we have a lot going on here.

Let’s be real though, the horse will always head back to its barn, so really this is a great idea. Get smashed, tie yourself to the horse, let the horse do whatever, and you’ll end up at home. 

…..not that I’ve ever done that on a trail ride before. 

Okay, so a trail horse is reliable here, because a horse that’s afraid of city noises will head for home and avoid anything “dangerous” because it’s afraid.

However, in my experience city-trained horses are much more obedient and are unafraid of roads and trust their rider a lot more fully.

So if your drunk ass says “yeah let’s steer into oncoming traffic”

the horse is gonna say “seems weird but okay man.”

Okay this is 100% a legitimate point. 

The only horse you should trust as DD is a horse with a healthy fear of speeding traffic. 

I would hope that that’s all horses

It is possible and common to train the good sense right out of a city horse.

Very very true. 

A city horse would walk facefirst into an oncoming train if you asked it to. 

This is why I prefer country horses with a degree of realization of its own mortality left to it. 

What the hell kinda city has a horse

…I just love the fact that there is a distinction between country horse and city horse.

What is a city horse, what IS it

left ma and pop’s farm to make it big out there…..that horse’s gonna be a star

I know a guy who got a DUI on a donkey

OK but I know of a guy who got OUT of a DUI by arguing the horse was the designated driver, and demonstrating that the horse was indeed qualified enough to get them both home. I also know someone who got a speeding ticket on a bicycle.



Honestly Tim Curry was great and all, but in terms of actual formative impact on my life I think nothing tops the unicorns from Legends.

This was my first major exposure to the concept of unicorns, and I loved this movie so much and watched it so many times, that traditional unicorns with their deer or goat-like proportions just look wrong to me. XD Except for in the animated movie of The Last Unicorn, because everyone has spindly legs in that art style, even the Red Bull. But as far as my subconscious mind is concerned, unicorns are supposed to look like horses. Not goats, not ponies, not even sleek Arabians with their dish-shaped faces and shiny coats. QUARTER HORSES. Ye standard warmblooded work horse. And the bigger the better, honestly. Later on (but still as a kid) I discovered draft horses and fell in love with their muscles and lustrous manes and feathered hooves. My ideal unicorn now would probably be dappled Percheron with a horn as big around as my arm.

Look at that. Truly a mystical creature of secrets and beauty. 

I am strongly in favor of all of this and will make notes