I still think John’s parents took out all their anger on John. Blaming him for Harry. And he internalized years of guilt until it finally bubbled over that fateful night at Baker Street.
Put a rumor you heard about my muse in my ask and they’ll confirm or deny it.
“You’re bloody right I did and everyone at the party was thankful.”
The Brigadier: a true hero.
Posted on
Wayne Enterprises board member: Mr. Wayne, it has come to our attention that SOMEBODY has been taking business dinners at local restaurants and simply writing “insert student loan debt here” in the “tip” portion of the receipt. Is this you?
Bruce: [intently attempting to open a bag of skittles without making eye contact]
Bruce: yeaaup.
Wayne Enterprises board member: Well, obviously you’re going to need to stop doing that, it’s costing us hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Bruce: [pops a red skittle into his mouth, also without making eye contact]
Bruce: nooooop.
totally forgot that a few years ago at phoenix comicon they had to evacuate everyone from the convention center and at the fire exit i went through john barrowman was helping people through the door.
he was legit the last one out of that exit. john barrowman is my favourite guy
G-ERTI sits at her hanger, just having landed from a long flight from Finland. Her engines are powering down and tension hangs in the air.
Carolyn: “Don’t be ridiculous, Arthur, I don’t have time for your Wellsian attempts at sparking terror into all our oblivious and feeble hearts!”
Arthur: “No, but Mum, look at those people! It’s definitely exactly like how zombies act with the slow-walky bits and rotting flesh stuff. Eugh.”
Carolyn: “Arthur, enough, now please—”
Douglas: “Carolyn, you know how I hate to be the cloud on your sunshine-filled days, but might I remind you that we did have to land without any ATC clearance whatsoever, seeing as every channel we tried was completely silent.”
Martin: “Well with a piece of G-ERTI falling off every time we open a cupboard, I really don’t think—”
Douglas: “And the strange intermittent static from Stockholm until we cruised over the North Sea? I’m sorry Carolyn, but this is seeming rather suspicious and those scraggling groups of people do look rather…”
Carolyn: “Oh, don’t you dare say it!”
Douglas: “…zombie-y.”
Martin: “Douglas.”
Arthur: “Guys, listen! This is exactly what happens in that one movie with that guy in it who wakes up from a coma and everyone’s already zombies! We absolutely cannot go outside.”
Martin and Carolyn groan.
Carolyn: “Dear heart—”
Douglas: “Uh, Carolyn, I did just pull up the news on my phone.” (shows the crew the screen)
(moments of silence)
Arthur: “Well, since we might be here a while. Shall I put the kettle on?”
G-ERTI sits at her hanger, just having landed from a long flight from Finland. Her engines are powering down and tension hangs in the air.
Carolyn: “Don’t be ridiculous, Arthur, I don’t have time for your Wellsian attempts at sparking terror into all our oblivious and feeble hearts!”
Arthur: “No, but Mum, look at those people! It’s definitely exactly like how zombies act with the slow-walky bits and rotting flesh stuff. Eugh.”
Carolyn: “Arthur, enough, now please—”
Douglas: “Carolyn, you know how I hate to be the cloud on your sunshine-filled days, but might I remind you that we did have to land without any ATC clearance whatsoever, seeing as every channel we tried was completely silent.”
Martin: “Well with a piece of G-ERTI falling off every time we open a cupboard, I really don’t think—”
Douglas: “And the strange intermittent static from Stockholm until we cruised over the North Sea? I’m sorry Carolyn, but this is seeming rather suspicious and those scraggling groups of people do look rather…”
Carolyn: “Oh, don’t you dare say it!”
Douglas: “…zombie-y.”
Martin: “Douglas.”
Arthur: “Guys, listen! This is exactly what happens in that one movie with that guy in it who wakes up from a coma and everyone’s already zombies! We absolutely cannot go outside.”
Martin and Carolyn groan.
Carolyn: “Dear heart—”
Douglas: “Uh, Carolyn, I did just pull up the news on my phone.” (shows the crew the screen)
(moments of silence)
Arthur: “Well, since we might be here a while. Shall I put the kettle on?”
So I’ve got this headcanon where basically the Winchesters continuously pester the Doctor for some psychic paper so they don’t have to keep using fake ID’s
But then Dean joked about using the psychic paper to get into a strip club as a “booby inspector” and the Doctor was just like