7. Handwrite your favorite actresses and actors.
- 3.Had sex in public?
I have totally had sex in the ocean on a public beach. yup. Probably not the smartest thing I’ve done.
- C:Where I would like to live.
I really miss the pacific northwest. I think I’d move back to Washington in a heartbeat, if I had, you know, a job and stuff. And I miss the mountains.
143, 151, 154
143:Curly or Straight hair: Curly
151:Red heads or Black haired: Dark haired
154:Hugs or Kisses: hugs all day long
As soon as you get this; write five things you like about yourself on your blog and then send this to your top ten favorite followers. :)
I got this twice, so i guess I gotta do it. type40consultingdetective was the other one
- I love my hair. it’s curly and cute.
- I’m a good writer
- I like to think I’m a good listener
- I’m pretty open minded about most things and ship all the things.
- I’ve grabbed John Barrowman’s arse.
Dandelion:Do you think you’re important?
Maybe not so much that I’m important, more like what I do is important. Sometimes.
- 34. If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be?
1999. It was a bad year, i did some stuff I still regret and I’d rather hadn’t happened.