we really need a medical show set in ancient greece or rome like can you imagine
whenever the doctors are on clinic duty they get mad bc patients come in like “i haven’t been feeling well, i think somebody cursed me on apollo’s name” and the doctors always have to be like “you have malaria”
constant snake escapes in the hospital’s shrine to asclepius
everyone’s least favorite job is leech duty
doctor’s writing prescriptions for things like gladiator blood and crocodile poo
you know how the running joke about house md is that everyone wanted every diagnosis to be lupus and it was never lupus? that but with the wandering womb
IMPERIAL PHYSICIAN GREGORIVS DOMVS takes the cases no other doctor can solve…
A single mom moves into a new apartment with her young son, only to find out it’s inhabited by a poltergeist. At first she’s spooked, but comes to realize that the poltergeist is helping to raise her son.
I’d watch it.
It’s like ‘The Others’, except that everyone just kind of… gets used to seeing each other. There are two families sharing one house, and okay, one family is a bit dead, but they’re all figuring things out as they go and it’s super handy to have a spare parent or two around.
“Mom, I’m home!”
“She’s out shopping, go do your homework.”
“Aunt Ingrid, they didn’t even HAVE homework when you were alive, why are you BUGGING me – “
“When I was alive we churned butter instead of our mother going to the store to buy it, do you want to learn how to churn butter?”
“Fine, okay, homework it is.”
“David, don’t walk through the walls.”
“Opening the door is too hard.”
“Then walk through the DOOR like your sister. Respect the conventions at least.”
“Mom, what are you doing?”
“Fixing the fence.”
“Uncle Roger, are you possessing my mom?”
“We tried just having me tell her how to do it, but it was taking too long and she got frustrated.”
“It’s WEIRD, though.”
“Do you want to do this?”
“No, I – “
“Too late. Come and learn how to fix this. You’re the man of the house now.”
“Did you have a fight with David?”
“Then why are you both making that face?”
“There’s no FACE.”
“That’s what he said.”
“We didn’t have a FIGHT, okay…”
“Aunt Ingrid is worried, she says he’s been moping all morning. He’s barely visible half the time.”
“Look, we didn’t have a fight, I just asked him how he died and then it got weird.”
“Mom, it came up, okay, it wasn’t just out of nowhere!”
“Steve! David! Isobel! Who broke this vase?”
“Meteor did it.”
“It was not the dog! Which one of you was throwing things in the house?”
“No, really, Mom, it was Meteor.”
“And how did the dog get up on the mantlepiece?”
“This is completely inaccurate.”
“I mean, look at those clothes. I’ve never seen *anyone* dressed like that.”
“They weren’t very careful about accurate costuming in these old movies.”
“I read ALL the Sherlock Holmes stories when they were first published and I ASSURE you he was a GENTLEMAN, not like – “
“Roger, will you just let us watch the moving pictures in peace?”
“But they’re WRONG.”
“We don’t care. Shush.”
*Roger mutters about bossy women and levitates popcorn*
“Steve, what happened to your face?”
“I got into a fight.”
“I would surmise from your bruises that you lost.”
“I always lose.”
“Oh, we can’t have that! Come, I will teach you the manly art of fisticuffs.”
“Aunt Ingrid, can you teach me how to make pie?”
“Of course I can… why? I know boys do a lot of things now that girls used to, I understand that, but why pie?”
“I like pie.”
“I can make you a pie if you just want to eat pie.”
“… Ava likes pie too.”
“That girl who lives down the street?”
“Then I’ll help you make the pie. What kind?”
“She likes cherry.”
This is beautiful. I love it!
When I was young enough that I was still babysitting, the toddler I was looking after loved Blues Clues and a soother he was supposed to be giving up.
His parents kept it in a childproofed cabinet when it wasn’t allowed in bed, but somehow it was in his bed each morning.
He asked me for it one night as I put him to bed. I told him it wasn’t allowed at night, those were the rules. He pouted and huffed and finally said, “I like my other babysitter better. She always gets when I ask.”
“What babysitter? I’m your only one,” i reminded him.
“The lady from the walls,” he said then rolled over and pouted some more and eventually I rubbed his back enough that he dropped off.
I won’t say that the air got cold or I felt like I was being watched. But I mean. I lived in one of the purportedly most haunted towns in Ontario. I’ve seen the ghost in the Theatre from the stage, and spotted the one in the Museum as I drove by one night. I say “excuse me” when I’m in That Room in each house or building.
I brought it up to the parents when they got back, the mother huffed like her son and rolled her eyes.
“Why do you think we’re moving?” She asked me. “Its hard to reinforce the rules when youre being undermined by a ghost.”
I want Terry Crews and Vin Diesel to do a buddy cop movie where they are both secret nerds but they don’t want the other to know. Like Vin Diesel plays D & D on weekends and Terry likes to create epic crossover fan art. Somehow they have to work undercover at Comic Con and for what ever reason I need Daniel Radcliffe to be the villain.
I’d like to add: not a character played by Dan Radcliffe. Dan Radcliffe, appearing as himself.
no, no wait… I want Elijah Wood to play Daniel Radcliffe.
Elijah Wood plays Daniel Radcliffe and his evil sidekick is Elijah Wood played by Daniel Radcliffe
concept: a musical like mammia mia but with fleetwood mac music called go your own way and it’s about a up and coming rock n roll star in the 70s who is played by harry styles
this post has 1k notes and not a single one of you told me i wrote mammia mia not mamma mia wow y’all are fake
concept: a production of hamlet where none of the actors are younger than 65. everyone is old. specifically, hamlet is played by ian mckellen, and gertrude is played by betty white. nothing else about the play changes.
You know what? This is an awesome idea.
Youth and romance aren’t very big themes in the play, and having all the characters older wouldn’t interfere with these themes at all, but give them an interesting perspective. For one thing, it would make any romance between Hamlet and Ophelia or Hamlet and Horatio not all that different at all than that between Gertrude and Claudius.
And Hamlet’s judgemental attitude towards Gertrude and Claudius’ relationship would have a very different context. “For at
age the hey-day in the blood is tame, it’s humble, and waits upon the judgement” comes across rather differently if Hamlet himself is decidedly no longer a young man.
And Laertes and Ophelia as very much grown up siblings? Yes please!
Posted on
Don’t say that with Steven here. It will happen.
Jenna Colemman on the idea of Peter Capaldi doing a drag episode to play a female Doctor. Source: sdcc2015 (via abumblebeeat221b)
Just had a thought for an action hero thing: 30-something woman hero is doing her ass-kicking thing. One day, her boss shows up at her door, and tells her she has to stand down, or there will be consequences. “Honey, it’s not that you’re too old. It’s just the public don’t like to see a woman of your age saving the day. It feels emasculating”.
So woman is stripped of her support team, fellow agents, and is pretty much put on the shelf. She tries to do heroing, but keeps getting cockblocked by younger women or superhero men she used to work alongside.
Just when she’s hitting rock bottom (and sitting in her house wearing pyjamas and eating ice cream), there’s a knock at the door. Judi Dench is standing there, and our heroine assumes it’s a charity collection.
“Oh no, dear,” Dench says, smiling. “We’ve come to recruit you.”
“Recruit me? For what?”
“To do what we do best: save the bloody world.”
And all at once she’s part of a covert ops team made of all the older women who have been retired and who currently are holding the reins of managing the world.
buddy cop romcom starring chris evans and tom hardy finding an abandoned puppy at a crime scene and they fight over who has to take care of it only they both end up falling in love with it and then they fight over who gets to keep it until it almost ruins their friendship
and then they realize they’re in love with one another and they all live happily ever after
I want one of those scenes in a dude bro film where “tomboy” chick has to wear a dress to go undercover or whatever, but instead of the guys drooling as she walks down the stairs, they’re like “k. U need to stop. Go put the cargo pants back on. You look super uncomfortable and awkward in that. Brutus, you go be the fake prostitute.”
I’m just imagining this super ripped guy called Brutus being like ‘YESSS!!! I’VE ALWAYS WANTED TO BE THE FAKE PROSTITUTE!! Now is my time to shine!!’