buddy cop movie with hayley atwell and idris elba as unlikely partners and dwayne the rock johnson as the bakery owner who witnesses a violent crime in the alley behind his shop and has to be protected
#what do you mean you don’t know how to punch? you’re jacked dude! #hey making dough isn’t easy! these are the result of grating carrots for carrot cake!
(via captainofalltheships)
As i’ve said before when I saw this post:
buddy cop movie with hayley atwell and idris elba as unlikely partners and dwayne the rock johnson AND Vin Diesel as the bakery owners who witnesses a violent crime in the alley behind hisTHEIR shop and have to be protected
I’m on board.
What if Vin Diesel is actually a local tattoo artist who comes into the bakery everyday and is always very quiet and frowning and sometimes muttering to himself and for the first half of the film they lowkey think he might know something about the baddies but it turns out that he’s SUPER INTO the Rock and then Hayley is like whut and Idris ends up having to dispense dating advice so there’s like a subplot of Idris trying to get them together while Hayley focuses solely on the criminals.