
Poe one hundred percent has a space Instagram that’s nothing but pictures of BB-8 with captions like “bb can’t get up the stairs!!!!!!!😂😂😂😂

😞bb forgot to ⚡️recharge⚡️so they’re 😴😴 today”

“round bb!!!!!⚪️ today it’s more like round baby!!!👶🏻 because they’re very cute and they kept me up all night w the noises. new rule, no late night beeps”


It’s the third most popular Instagram in the Resistance. The second is Leia’s official account which she uses almost entirely to post VINTAGE pics of the Resistance leaders: space poncho Luke napping in the Falcon, C-3PO braiding Leia’s hair, Han on the beach looking suspiciously post-coital (Ben, when he was still Ben, just commented on this, “MOM”).

The first most popular is Chewbacca’s. It’s nothing but selfies. The Wookie knows his best angles.