Not even a quarter through this video and I can’t believe it’s real, I mean Gatiss just basically confirmed the whole Mycroft’s weight problem mirrors Sherlock’s drug problem thing, Moffat was all “heh well the idea of Mary working for Mycroft is borne of Sherlock’s drug-induced paranoia,” this is all gold
now they’re talking about “adjusting Doyle’s intent” perfect just perf e c t
I am here for Sue’s snark about mansplaining
they tried to make Andrew look like ugly Moriarty and people were surprised when that failed?
Mofftiss has a dinner date to talk about Garridebs, that’s so cute
That was a gift.
Sue remains a queen. Amanda is a Johnlocker. Mark talked about drawing dicks in Mycroft’s notebook and Steven is a smug fucker and I love him and couLD THEY TALK ABOUT MARY AND BEARDS A LITTLE MORE, I MEAN
As for that last “there’s one element no one’s picked up on” thing, if I had to place a bet I’d say that’s Sherlock’s repressed memory of whatever drove him to drugs as a kid. That’s something that wasn’t discussed much in theories until TAB, despite lots of little hints in the first three seasons.
ILU Mofftiss, have fun talking about finally writing that kiss scene when you have dinner together in a few weeks, eat up boys
I can’t believe this interview is real!!!
I love this interview so much! The interviewer decided to ask Mark the kind of questions Scarlett normally got during the last press junket (”What was your diet?” “Do you wear underwear underneath the suit?”) while Scarlett got all the introspective questions. It was great.
And it’s interesting to see how the “good” questions leave so much more room for discussion, dialogue and talking…
The Hot Hits TV junket interview (worth it for the last few seconds)
The interview was everything we hoped and dreamed it would be, and included Martin Freeman eating a banana, Benedict Cumberbatch being his usual charming self plus scaring us a bit
Because this clip never gets old!
So we watched this tonight and OMG it’s pretty awful and John wasn’t lying about the female lead. But hey lots of John Barrowman to look at. Good thing he’s pretty…
Sherlock: Steven Moffat says Louise Brealey’s talent made him break his own rules
Sherlock: Steven Moffat says Louise Brealey’s talent made him break his own rules
Steven Moffat describes the actress who portrays Molly as ‘extraordinary’ and a ‘wonderful actress’“We went against our first decision which was ‘We will not add a regular that’s not from Doyle’. The first thing we did was add a regular character that’s not from Doyle! I think she’s fascinating because over time, certainly by the time you get to the second series, she wins every encounter with Sherlock. All the time, always. And by being honest and truthful with him.” – Steven Moffat
“It’s also about what she has, which is independence. She may be quiet, she may be retiring but she’s a strong woman at the same time. Just because she’s fallen for a couple of sociopaths doesn’t necessarily rule her out as a sane and courageous and strong woman.” – Mark Gatiss