Oh so at the Buffy panel at Awesome Con James Marsters talked about how sometimes Spike would be in a scene and he’d just have no idea why Spike is there and the script didn’t explain it, and so he just made up motivations and he said he basically just made up 90% of the time that he was there to kill Xander and forgot/changed his mind
I know how Mark Sheppard is in everything, but can we take a moment to appreciate James Marsters?
Torchwood and Buffy, of course:

But then there is also Warehouse 13 (With Anthony head to boot)




And let’s not forget Supernatural (with Charisma Carpenter)

Plus Northern Exposure

I need a Torchwood musical where there’s an angry/flirty duet between Jack Harkness and John Hart.
Bit of history of Captain John Hart.
Lots of behind the scenes Torchwood stuff. John and James practicing the fight sequence, couple shots of the kiss. Fun and interesting!