Everything you (n)ever wanted to know about archery



Originally posted by disneypixar

Don’t watch Lord of the Rings, the Hunger Games, or Avatar. At least, not for the archery. Hollywood is stock full of misinformation and misrepresentation about archery. Sadly, not a lot of writers have the opportunity to really delve into the practice. So here is my all you wanted to know primer from how bows are constructed, to lining up and releasing the shot, to treating your friend’s nasty broadhead wound.

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yeah you prob already know all this but @jazzforthecaptain


Imagine Castiel reading to Jack while he heals. Maybe he can’t accelerate the process. So he reads to Jack and brings him food.

Imagine him sitting on one end of the couch at one in the morning, with Jack’s head in his lap, stroking his hair and reading Sherlock Holmes to him while they wait for Jack’s shattered knee to set.

And sometimes Jack dozes a bit, listening to Cas’s voice, and sometimes he explains things to Cas that he doesn’t understand. He tells Castiel about Victorian London, what it was like. Or one of the stories will mention a place and Jack will smile and mention a detail that the stories didn’t contain. Or Cas will tell Jack things that he didn’t notice at the time.

And it still hurts and throbs but Jack treasures the time nonetheless, For once forced to stay still and with nothing else in the universe banging down their door.


In Captain Jack Harkness’ first episode he was trying to attract the attention of the Time Agency because they had altered his memory so he’d forget two years of his life and he wanted those memories back. I really want that story-line to be resolved, hopefully by him meeting the time agent he’d been partnered with during that time and there being a multi-episode arc around why their partnership warranted Jack having his memories deleted. I’d also like for that other time agent to be played by Misha Collins because, let’s be honest, those two would be amazing together