Opportunity to hang out with John Barrowman…
JB says:
“ATTENTION!!! All Conners!!
I’m offering 3-5 lucky fans the chance to hang out with me on my next con adventure!
If you have plans to attend this year’s Heroes and Villains Fan Fest in NYNJ, just send me a video
of yourself explaining what your dream convention experience with yours
truly would be. Which con events would we go to? Where would we explore
locally? What nightlife are we hitting up?The video should not
exceed one minute long. Any video quality is fine. When submitting
please include helpful contact info like your phone number.
Email video to: HangWithJohn@gmail.com by June 26th”
You ever wonder if John Barrowman flirts with people by saying “Captain Jack Harkness”?
Didn’t he tell Dan “I bet you never thought Captain Jack Harkness would give you something to suck on?”
Barrowman got a tumblr. We’re all in trouble. *waves*