When a rare pair fanfic contains another rare pair.
“And one day the knight found the dragon badly injured and the knight called the dragon an idiot as he patched him up.”
Mycroft opened one eye, then the other. “That’s not how it goes.”
“Does in my version.” John leaned up and kissed his forehead.
Mycroft gave him a smile and squeezed his hand. “Good thing my knight happened to be close by.”
The Knight and the Dragon by janto321 (FaceofMer)
When John has nightmares, Mycroft knows the stories to help him sleep.
I think this is the cutest JohnCroft I have read so far!
(via readingfanficion)
Thank you!
reblogged your post and added:I shall start:While Sherlock is “dead”, Mycroft…
I got these recs from a friend too:
“this is unfinished, but i recall liking it http://archiveofourown.org/works/4331151
brighteyedjill has a couple of older johncroft http://archiveofourown.org/users/BrighteyedJill/pseuds/BrighteyedJill”
That’s pretty much all I have, maybe others can hop on the bandwagon.
You just recc’d my friends fic to me, so she’ll be happy to know that! 😀
I actually haven’t read the fics by brighteyedjill, so thanks for those!
Mostly, I’m hoping to inspire people to create new Johncroft! We need more content in this fandom, guys! <3
Thank you, besinaao3, for being so kind!
Any other writers feel like jumping in on this – see if we can write some new stuff for it? I will try to kick my brain into gear. fleetwoodmouse , dvancecinco, either of you have some good Johncroft recs for us?
I searched my blog for Johncroft and came across these entries. I know that taylorpotato wrote a terrific fic, If You Understand The Nuance. Also, the fic Modern Warfare is a lovely holmescest / johncroft / johnlock OT3 fic that is chock full of smut.
I also know that cotrix-art has a piece or two of art. merindab, don’t you have some johncroft?
I have 6 apparently but I’m pretty sure eveningsoother has read them all. I’m sure I can write more though if ya’ll want
John is the perfect spouse for Sherlock just by merit of how he acts toward Mycroft. Like, he has a baseline of respect even though Mycroft isn’t pleasant. He’s all “lol Mycroft sucks, what a loser” with Sherlock. He’s willing to work with Mycroft to protect Sherlock if need be. He has no qualms about going off on Mycroft when Mycroft deserves it, etc.
A++ 💯👏🙌
“You phoned him?
“Of COURSE I bloody phoned him!!”
I’m reblogging my own reblog, because the more I think about this, the more I delight in that single line of dialogue. (Well, and OK, the “danger night” line was equally weighty.)
How FABULOUS that the creators let us know that John called Mycroft behind Sherlock’s back. How wonderful that we can rightly imagine a world where John and Mycroft have come to some sort of uneasy collusion based on their mutual love of Sherlock.
What was that crazy first time John called Mycroft, or Mycroft called John? Not for government business or case business but simply to check up on Sherlock’s well-being? What kind of slightly creeped-out but also warm and secure feeling did each of them have, when they realized the other could be counted on, 100%, to do what is best for Sherlock? How, in the battle to Preserve the Greatness of Sherlock Holmes, they were the front line?
“Have you seen your brother’s address book lately? Two names. Yours. And mine.”
I’m working on a fic for letswritesherlock. I like this world i’m writing in and this version of John Watson. And this fic is feeling quite Johncroft. Every time I try to push the fic back to johnlock, it argues and swing back the other way. So, apparently I’m writing Johncroft because that’s what the muse is demanding and there is a giant bucket of sexual tension there.