At the Jolto meetup at 221b Con, we passed around a notebook for headcanons. The results are as follows.
After John returned to London, while Sholto was still deployed, John would pick up used books with meaningful inscriptions to send to him.
When they’re alone, sometimes James dresses John in his uniform and will obey any command Major Watson gives him.
During leave, John drags Sholto to bars for dancing and delights in ensuring he is covered in glitter by the end of the night. He of course helps Sholto wash it all off the next morning.
When John was a lowly crow, he’d always request clean up duty in the officers’ quarters, in hopes of catching a glimpse of the elusive Captain Sholto. Years later when he was assigned to the Major’s regiment, he had to fight the urge to grin like a loon every time he was in the Major’s company. Sholto noticed, of course, and took the suppressed smirk as insolence and reprimanded Watson… with cleaning duties in his quarters.
John picked up his love of plaid from Sholto’s wardrobe & not the other way around.
Sholto bought John the watch he wears from a flea market on leave. It has two times, which John always keeps set to Afghanistan and London time, long after he is returned home.
James loves to cook. He taught John how to cook the “thing with peas.”
where the hell is that damn deleted script snippet from tsot on the bench where john talks about how sholto was the one who stopped writing/talking to him, this is Really Important
#he was your ex #whatever he was #i wish you weren’t #whatever you are #well that’s not parallel at all is it (via @to-johnlock-hell-in-a-handbasket)
jolto angst on a sunday night?!! well fuck me uppp!!!
we were all blindsided tbh
llllmfao HE doesn’t keep in touch
OH AND isn’t this right before sherlock literally walks away when john tries to tell him how this won’t change things between them?
yeah it literally goes: “tell me everything about sholto” “okay here is some stuff about sholto. anyway, about mary – where did u go”
Yeah because Sherlock just realised the pattern.
John forms attachment with someone (Sholto) – who breaks off communication
John moves on
John forms attachment with someone (Sherlock) – who breaks off communication
John moves on
John forms attachment with someone (Mary) – they get married
it gets worse though because @heimishtheidealhusband just pointed out that the bench conversation came AFTER the “yes of course you’re my best friend” convo like that did not convince him
Of course it didn’t convince him. Sherlock was blindsided after discovering he was John’s best friend and I think it took until after the wedding for it to sink in.
i have never more immediately regretted following someone
also I have no regrets for my post Sherlock is smoll and so excited that he is John’s best friend
but the thing is that he was so sad after the wedding that he did a bunch of drugs anyway
Remember all those beautiful fics where Sherlock is covered in scars from his time away? How insecure Sherlock is about John seeing them? Now think about Sholto and how John looks at him like he doesn’t even see the scars.
John is always the puncher. Like say John’s shitfaced at some bar off-base and he gets into some argument with some joker about something, and he’s like TIME TO KICK SOME ASS. And then this hot tall guy is like, Whoa now slow your roll there. And John’s like OH YOU WANT SOME TOO? And tall hottie’s like, Lemme just catch that punch, toss you over my shoulder, and carry you out of this bar. And John’s like !!!!!!!!!!!! And then the next day, surprise surprise guess who is whose new commanding officer?
the jolto ship sails in my tumblr family tonight and i’m adding to the mix
sometimes john looks at james and he is so comfortable – he knows every line and twitch and color and when he’s angry versus when he’s disappointed just by a certain angle of his head and he’s so used to what he looks like because it’s all he looks at every day, it’s an extension of himself, whether james’s face is covered in dirt and grime and shielded by a helmet in the pit or if he’s just fresh out of a cold shower and he’s a bit pale from the chill or when they’re rolling, spines and tongues and hands, and his cheeks are flushed and his thin blond brows are knit – john knows it all
but then… then james will do something, anything – tell a story, eat a piece of fruit and wipe his mouth, enter john’s tent without warning, strut across the base, shout an order, kiss him when he’s not supposed to… and john sees him as this fresh, new something that he’s been looking for for what seems like forever. he’s golden sun and clear lake eyes in the hottest, driest place around and he’s a small smile that could stretch across the channel and wouldn’t mean as much as a tilt of his lips, and he’s this new, beautiful, fantastic, handsome thing and john just stares and stares and stares and james catches him staring and he almost laughs, he almost calls him out when he can, tell him that its nothing he hasn’t seen before, but he knows just what it feels like to be so used to a man’s face and still feel his breath catch when the sun bathes him like that