Sometimes when I’m down, I remember that scene at a convention when Leonard Nimoy and De Kelley are reading fanfiction to the audience, and they pause at a scene to remember the destroyed Enterprise and place their hands over their hearts
and De does a double-take, skips over to Nimoy, and fixes his hand so it’s on his lower ribcage, where the vulcan heart actually is, and then goes back to his spot and remarks something like “I should know I’m his doctor” and continues on.
DJ: “It’s a tragic day for all men today—Leonard Nimoy died. Most boys had a Star Trek phase growing up. You girls probably have trouble telling the difference between Star Wars and Star Trek, but trust me, it’s a big deal that he’s gone.”
Me: …
Me: Seriously? What year is this?
Leonard Nimoy is rolling in his fucking grave
Fake geek boys don’t even know that women are why Star Trek got on air to begin with (Lucille Ball of Desilu productions!), women are why it stayed on air (fangirls writing letters to Paramount & NBC keep it from getting dropped!), women ran the first conventions (Joan Winston!) and women wrote the first guidebooks (Bjo Trimble!).
Fake geek boys don’t know that Leonard Nimoy was an outspoken feminist who campaigned to get equal pay for the female actors on the show, and who after his Star Trek days continued to advance feminist goals like fat body acceptance.
Star Trek is women’s territory. Get the fuck outta my sci-fi, fake geek boys, and take your ignorant sexism with you.
On February 27, 2015, one of the most beautiful human beings known to mankind passed from existence on earth and took his well deserved place among the stars.
That being said, it’s difficult for me to fully accept the fact that a man I deeply loved, admired and considered my number 1 role-model is no longer with us in our everyday existence.
The news of his death crushed me to the deepest part of my soul, and I haven’t been able to properly function in my everyday life since learning of his passing.
I was genuinely shocked, because, well; I knew he had COPD, but it never fully occurred to me exactly HOW sick he truly was.
He looked, sounded, seemed perfectly fine. Except for that one time in LAX when fans and paparazzi spotted him in a wheelchair with an oxygen tank attached to him.
The media kind of exploded that day. But it didn’t explode nearly as much as Tumblr did the day Leonard was admitted to the hospital for chest pains (February 18th).
Even then, however, I felt certain that he would be fine. But still prayed for him and sent him get well tweets, and posted Tumblr messages asking our beloved ‘Grampa Leonard” to recover soon.
Leonard seemed to know though, that the end was near, as he posted this final message to his honorary grandchildren on February 23rd.
” A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP”
That was our Grampa. Telling us all that everything was going to be okay. That we were going to be okay. And asking us never to forget him.
I know without a doubt that I absolutely never will.
For me, Leonard Nimoy was more than just an actor in a television show that was famous before my own mother got her first tooth.
Leonard was an enigma. A man who brought impossible things to life.
He had an enormous amount of compassion, generosity, honesty, morality, modesty, love, faith, talent, and above all; humanity.
Everyone I’ve talked to who has ever met him, including William Shatner has had nothing but beautiful things to say about him.
This being said, I do realize Leonard was in fact, human and was capable of making mistakes.
However, those mistakes were rarely made publicly.
He made his fans feel like they were his entire world. He treated us all with love and respect, and asked for nothing in return.
This granted him more love and respect in return than he ever fathomed possible.
His legions of fans rallied together on Friday when his passing was announced. Fan groups gained more members, fans shared their shock, sadness and mourned together. Phone calls were made, emails were exchanged, twitter, tumblr, the internet IMPLODED.
Our beloved Mr. Spock had passed into the stars and left all of us behind, blessing one another with his famed words “Live Long and Prosper”.
It amazes me how much one man touched so many, but at the same time, I can completely understand it.
Leonard touched me equally as much.
As a child growing up with very few friends, no siblings, and no social life, Spock became a huge role model for me.
The half-human, half-vulcan Spock, who belonged no where except Star Fleet and on the Star Ship Enterprise was my entire childhood.
Spock, like me, didn’t fit in or belong anywhere, except on the Enterprise.
and he taught me that it didn’t matter what people thought; what mattered was that I remained true to myself and lived my life for myself.
He helped me forget that no one liked me.
He helped me forget that I was bullied, teased and called names because I was different from everyone else.
He showed me that what other people thought wasn’t important.
and above all, Leonard Nimoy taught me that as long as I was true to myself and followed my heart; that I still meant something.
Leonard Nimoy taught me that I was beautiful.
Leonard Nimoy taught me that I was special.
Leonard Nimoy taught me that I was important.
and when he died Leonard Nimoy taught me something else.
He taught me that “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.”
We, the fans, were “the one.”
and he lived for us, but he also died thinking of us.
We’ve lived all of our lives loving him, and he died loving us back.
What a man. What an incredible, beautiful, special, unique, fantastic man!
May we all remember him forever, the way he would want us to remember him.
May we always remember Mr. Spock and the change he brought about in the world, the changes he brought about in us, and the positive impact he left behind.