Or “Mom Knight” which is what I kept calling it for most of the time I worked on this. This was my story for Valor, a fairy tale anthology I was in last year! It’s a really great book, and I’m so glad I got to be a part of it. You can purchase a copy here.
headcanon that since the slytherin common room is under the lake there’s a room where the walls and ceiling are glass and you can just see into the lake like an aquarium
headcanon that when this was first done the mermaids got really aggressive and hateful about it and started ramming the glass but since it was magic this just caused them injuries
until a deaf/hoh slytherin started to teach them sign language and it took a long time bit by the time they left hogwarts they and the rest of the house were communicating with the mermaids and on good terms
eventually it becomes a part of slytherin house culture you’re a slytherin you know sign language because if you don’t chat with the mermaids they get grumpy
this helps a lot of deaf/hoh students
this also gives slytherin the best grades of any house on all aquatic magical studies
the mermaids give terrible dating advice do not trust them
The most common mermaid dating advice, of course, being “Drown him”
I like the idea of being able to see the needle of the compass move around as my soul mate goes to the grocery store maybe thousands of miles away.
I like the idea of people taking a year off work to follow the little needle hoping that if they keep going they can find there other half.
Imagine widows whose compass needles are grey and broken and spin around and around continuously looking for there other half.
Imagine aromantic’s whose needle points at themselves or don’t have one at all or maybe they do but its blue and points at there friends when there close by.
Imagine polyamourous people with 2 or 3 needles on there compass and there big decision is trying to figure out which one to follow first.
Imagine parents worriedly looking at there childs compass that spins around day in and day out and they breathe a sigh of relief the day it stops spinning and starts pointing with determination to some hospital somewhere.
Imagine people going to shake hands and realizing that there needles are pointing diligently at each other and just laughing and smiling awkwardly at each other.
Imagine a being able to watch your needle move and follow someone who you love, who you never met, who you vow to one day meet.
there are lots of headcanons about sherlock speaking french during sex and john dying because it’s so hot, but listen. what if sherlock speaking french sounds like martin crieff speaking french. what if it’s not sexy at all, it’s hilarious and john loses it and laughs hysterically and sherlock scowls and sulks and determinedly keeps his mouth shut during sex because he doesn’t want to embarrass himself but he just can’t help it and it happens again and again
This is absolutely how it would go, which is why I’ve never once done a Sherlock speaking French head canon.
Also John would bring it up at other random times just to mess with him, like in the middle of the dairy aisle at Sainsbury’s, suddenly John would turn to Sherlock and be like “allons -nous obtenir un peu de fromage, mon amour?” In like PERFECT French, and Sherlock would do the chin wobble and then scowl and stomp away and John would double over laughing, trying to call out “Sorry, I’m sorry, I just can’t help it. I love you, I love you, come back, Sherlock,” but still like crying laughing, while Sherlock stands outside and sulks.