I always thought what Russell [T Davies] did in Doctor Who was extremely ground breaking in a slightly more subversive way than it looked like. It never occurred to me that it was too on the nose, what he did brilliantly was incidentally gay characters obviously as well as some more in your face ones. One of my favourite stories is Gridlock, there’s an elderly couple of ladies who are together and it just sort of passes by and that’s the way – softly, softly. That’s how the revolution happens as it were, you just become aware that people are incidentally gay. I think when the day comes that you have a big detective show where the first half hour was this man at work and he’s a maverick and all the usual things and then we went home and his boyfriend says, ‘Are you alright?’ it was just a thing, then something genuinely changed. I think the problem still is it becomes the issue. I think the thing with gay characters is that it has to be an issue as opposed to being part of everyday life, which of course as we all know is what it is.
Mark Gatiss in an interview in Gay Times, February 2012 (via enigmaticpenguinofdeath)
I can’t believe this is real. Thank you, Godtiss. (via ifyouhaveenoughnerve)
He basically just described the show. “…he went home and his boyfriend says ‘Are you alright?’” WHAAAAAT??? HE JUST DESCRIBED JOHN WATSON.
Do I need to insert 20 gifs of John asking Sherlock if he’s okay?
How in the everliving fuck have we never talked about this quote?
Gatiss, you darling, darling boy. I am utterly in love with you right now.
(via anigrrrl2) cantpronounce, this is the quote I was bowled over by. (via anigrrrl2)
Maybe this is why he gets worked up about people asking if they’ll kiss/come out/have a big dramatic revelation scene.
It’s because he wants it to be subtle, something that doesn’t need to be announced or revealed – and I agree. Why should we announce it? Or make a big deal about it?
I agree with him on this. What I don’t understand, though, is why the same person who says these things then goes to great lengths to DENY any gay implications (‘they are obviously not gay for each other’) and to ridicule who thinks such implications might be there.
Doesn’t he understand that by saying this he sets people up for exactly what he hates? The big revelation??
Instead of letting the audience quietly understand and accept that there is something between them, he vehemently denies it, implying that if they haven’t officially declared themselves gay then of course they are not.
What game is he playing??
This is the contradiction that drives me crazy and makes me really angry at him.
(via cantpronounce)
I agree with you, though I think it’s the writer in him wanting the big reveal, not the man. Every writer loves a big plot twist, to make the audiences mouths drop open. And you have to admit, if S4 ends with John and Sherlock kissing or something, most of the audience will be shocked as shit.
We won’t, lol. But most people will. And he will love that, as a writer.
This quote just gives me so much hope, I can’t describe it.
(via anigrrrl2)
Imagine the power of that. Not only would they be openly gay, but *will have been gay* for the previous season. Forces a new perspective on gay people as real people nit defined exclusively by sexuality.
Anyone turning off the tv at that point to avoid The Gay will have already been embracing gay characters without being aware of it. That’s the way to make change in the world… because that’s how change happens in real life.