Everyone else sees Valentines stuff out the day after Christmas and just thinks “ugh, always one holiday after another”. I just think “Crap, my birthday is really close,” (I’m a valentines baby)



When I was nine, possibly ten, an author came to our school to talk about writing. His name was Hugh Scott, and I doubt he’s known outside of Scotland. And even then I haven’t seen him on many shelves in recent years in Scotland either. But he wrote wonderfully creepy children’s stories, where the supernatural was scary, but it was the mundane that was truly terrifying. At least to little ten year old me. It was Scooby Doo meets Paranormal Activity with a bonny braw Scottish-ness to it that I’d never experienced before.

I remember him as a gangling man with a wiry beard that made him look older than he probably was, and he carried a leather bag filled with paper. He had a pen too that was shaped like a carrot, and he used it to scribble down notes between answering our (frankly disinterested) questions. We had no idea who he was you see, no one had made an effort to introduce us to his books. We were simply told one morning, ‘class 1b, there is an author here to talk to you about writing’, and this you see was our introduction to creative writing. We’d surpassed finger painting and macaroni collages. It was time to attempt Words That Were Untrue.

You could tell from the look on Mrs M’s face she thought it was a waste of time. I remember her sitting off to one side marking papers while this tall man sat down on our ridiculously short chairs, and tried to talk to us about what it meant to tell a story. She wasn’t big on telling stories, Mrs M. She was also one of the teachers who used to take my books away from me because they were “too complicated” for me, despite the fact that I was reading them with both interest and ease. When dad found out he hit the roof. It’s the one and only time he ever showed up to the school when it wasn’t parents night or the school play. After that she just left me alone, but she made it clear to my parents that she resented the fact that a ten year old used words like ‘ubiquitous’ in their essays. Presumably because she had to look it up.

Anyway, Mr Scott, was doing his best to talk to us while Mrs M made scoffing noises from her corner every so often, and you could just tell he was deflating faster than a bouncy castle at a knife sharpening party, so when he asked if any of us had any further questions and no one put their hand up I felt awful. I knew this was not only insulting but also humiliating, even if we were only little children. So I did the only thing I could think of, put my hand up and said “Why do you write?”

I’d always read about characters blinking owlishly, but I’d never actually seen it before. But that’s what he did, peering down at me from behind his wire rim spectacles and dragging tired fingers through his curly beard. I don’t think he expected anyone to ask why he wrote stories. What he wrote about, and where he got his ideas from maybe, and certainly why he wrote about ghosts and other creepy things, but probably not why do you write. And I think he thought perhaps he could have got away with “because it’s fun, and learning is fun, right kids?!”, but part of me will always remember the way the world shifted ever so slightly as it does when something important is about to happen, and this tall streak of a man looked down at me, narrowed his eyes in an assessing manner and said, “Because people told me not to, and words are important.”

I nodded, very seriously in the way children do, and knew this to be a truth. In my limited experience at that point, I knew certain people (with a sidelong glance to Mrs M who was in turn looking at me as though she’d just known it’d be me that type of question) didn’t like fiction. At least certain types of fiction. I knew for instance that Mrs M liked to read Pride and Prejudice on her lunch break but only because it was sensible fiction, about people that could conceivably be real. The idea that one could not relate to a character simply because they had pointy ears or a jet pack had never occurred to me, and the fact that it’s now twenty years later and people are still arguing about the validity of genre fiction is beyond me, but right there in that little moment, I knew something important had just transpired, with my teacher glaring at me, and this man who told stories to live beginning to smile. After that the audience turned into a two person conversation, with gradually more and more of my classmates joining in because suddenly it was fun. Mrs M was pissed and this bedraggled looking man who might have been Santa after some serious dieting, was starting to enjoy himself. As it turned out we had all of his books in our tiny corner library, and in the words of my friend Andrew “hey there’s a giant spider fighting a ghost on this cover! neat!” and the presentation devolved into chaos as we all began reading different books at once and asking questions about each one. “Does she live?”— “What about the talking trees” —“is the ghost evil?” —“can I go to the bathroom, Miss?” —“Wow neat, more spiders!”

After that we were supposed to sit down, quietly (glare glare) and write a short story to show what we had learned from listening to Mr Scott. I wont pretend I wrote anything remotely good, I was ten and all I could come up with was a story about a magic carrot that made you see words in the dark, but Mr Scott seemed to like it. In fact he seemed to like all of them, probably because they were done with such vibrant enthusiasm in defiance of the people who didn’t want us to.

The following year, when I’d moved into Mrs H’s class—the kind of woman that didn’t take away books from children who loved to read and let them write nonsense in the back of their journals provided they got all their work done—a letter arrived to the school, carefully wedged between several copies of a book which was unheard of at the time, by a new author known as J.K. Rowling. Mrs H remarked that it was strange that an author would send copies of books that weren’t even his to a school, but I knew why he’d done it. I knew before Mrs H even read the letter.

Because words are important. Words are magical. They’re powerful. And that power ought to be shared. There’s no petty rivalry between story tellers, although there’s plenty who try to insinuate it. There’s plenty who try to say some words are more valuable than others, that somehow their meaning is more important because of when it was written and by whom. Those are the same people who laud Shakespeare from the heavens but refuse to acknowledge that the quote “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them“ is a dick joke.

And although Mr Scott seems to have faded from public literary consumption, I still think about him. I think about his stories, I think about how he recommended another author and sent copies of her books because he knew our school was a puritan shithole that fought against the Wrong Type of Wordes and would never buy them into the library otherwise. But mostly I think about how he looked at a ten year old like an equal and told her words and important, and people will try to keep you from writing them—so write them anyway.

*sobs for like the umpteenth time this day and reblogs the fuck out of this*

This isn’t my post, but I’m going to share my own story on here and I hope that’s okay. I was a weird, bullied kid that escaped into books all the time. I loved stories and I loved telling them even before I even really knew what I was doing. As I got older I liked writing them, but I mostly kept it to myself.

Fourth grade I had my favorite teacher ever, Mr. Murphy. He was a bit of an odd teacher, had his own ways of doing and teaching things and would probably never get away with half of what he did now in today’s testing focused and high security environment (he once had a friend of his dressed up as a fur trapper just show up in the middle of class one day to talk to us). And he enjoyed encouraging creativity

 I will never, so long as I live, forget the day that he gave us all an assignment: Take one sentence he gave us, and write, for ten minutes. ‘The waves rocked the boat’ was the sentence. Me and my overactive imagination wrote the first paragraphs of a story about a bunch of diplomats lost at sea. 

He gathered everyone’s papers and to my horror began to read them aloud. This was fourth grade, mind, so almost all the other ten year olds had pretty much written cutsey fishing stories, not the start of epics.

Finally he got to mine and though I couldn’t vanish under my desk I waited to be dismissed or scoffed at or told that i had Done It Wrong. 

Instead he read it and looked at me and in front of all my classmates said “This is really good. You’ve got talent.” And it was the first time in my life someone outside of my parents said I was good at something.

The bullying didn’t stop, of course, but I knew then beyond any doubt, that I could write. That it was okay that I liked to tell stories. That it was okay that I had a big imagination. He encouraged me writing all through that year and when I self published my first book a couple years ago I found he still taught at the same school and emailed him to thank him for all he’d done.

To my shock and surprise, he still remembered me, 25 years later. And he was glad to know I was still writing.

It occurs to me that on just over 3 years I’ll be 40. Bet I still won’t have my shit together.

I was tagged by @fynndin 

 Rules: You can tell a lot about a person from the kind of music they listen to. Put your music device on shuffle and post the first ten songs without skipping. Tag ten people afterwards.

  1. Get Home – Bastille 
  2. Bitch – Meredith Brooks
  3. Shop Vac – Jonathan Coulton 
  4. Anything Goes – Sally Ann Triplett
  5. One Foot – Fun.
  6. The Adams Administration – Hamilton Cast
  7. Radioactive – Imagine Dragons 
  8. For a Friend – The Communards 
  9. Lonely Street – Kansas 
  10. Best of You – Foo


The song stuck in my head – Thousand Miles from Nowhere – Dwight Yokum

…This actually a pretty good representation of my musical tastes.

 I’ll tag @jazzforthecaptain, @awabubbles, @hums-happily, @dvancecinco, @cleverwholigan, @snogbox1, @phipiohsum475, @guixonlove, @raggedy-spaceman, @thegirlbehindthegasmask


[sees pic of fav character] oh my god i’m [takes deep breath] [dinosaur noises]