Spell your username with song titles!

I was tagged by gwencoopcr. I’m just gonig to go with the first song that pops in my head, why not. And I’ll link to the songs.

My way – Frank Sinatra
Echo – Jason Walker
Right Now – Van Halen
I am What I am – John Barrowman
November Rain – Guns and Roses
Down on the Corner – Credence Clearwater Reival
All of me – John Legend
Blue – Eiffel 6

Apparently my brain went half 80s there. i’ll tag hums-happily, jazzforthecaptain and shellysbees and anyone else who wants to do it

Tagged by hums-happily

1. What character trait/skill of yours are you most proud of?

Traitwise I’m friendly as all get out. Skillwise I’m a good writer.

2. Favourite Ice-Cream flavour?

Mint Chocolate Chip

3. What’s your favourite insult?

Wanker? I watch too much British television.

4. What was your first fandom?

Star Trek was my first full on fandom, but I also grew up on Classic Who and had a small Tolkien phase.

5. Name one tumblr idol

awabubbles. In a way she’s why I’m here (her blogs nsfw if you click).

6. Do you know any jokes?

How do you get two piccolos in tune? Shoot one.

7. What music are you listening to right now? Does it hold any meaning for you?  

What About Us – Barrowman. Of course you have me doing this when I’m working on a gifset. And I call that the lickable video. For reasons.

8. One fact no one else knows about you?

Uh… I can touch my nose with my tongue?

9. Tag some cool people

jazzforthecaptain, awabubbles, beminevalentines, janto-owns-my-soul, type40consultingdetective and anyone else who wants to.

You know you have self esteem issues when your best friend tells you to say “I’m awesome” out loud and you can’t until she traps you and won’t let you out until you say it. And that’s after a lot of embarrassed giggling.

She said she was gonna smack my arm every time she heard me say something negative about myself. I told her that was very Pavlovian of her.

*whispers* a lot of people don’t like the first season and they say going on to the next seasons is better (of buffy)


I should probably just skip to whenever Spike shows up. Though I have at least watched “once more with feeling.”

See I missed Buffy when it was on. It aired from 1997 to 2003. I graduated high school and went into the military in 1997. I didn’t really have regular access to TV again until…1999? (Living in military barracks with the only TV access being the one in the common room). I got my first computer that was mine in 1999, but I don’t think we even had Internet access for another year or two. So basically if it was the late 90s or early 2000s I probably missed it.