Replies below. I really appreciate all your support!
replied to your post Feel free to ignore:
darquethoughts: I hope you’re feeling better yourself! Maybe it’s just mid february, I don’t know. But thank you.
kate2kat : Thank you so much for all your support. I’m glad I can make your day better sometimes. And I think you’re right about the downhill slide.
leavesdancing: *hugs back*. Thank you! and good luck with your own.
godaof221b: It was lovely to properly ‘meet’ you yesterday and I’m so glad we got to talk.
dozmuffinxc: I think you’re pretty awesome too, and thank you.
janto-owns-my-soul *hugs* and I appreciate you being around. I see you there in my activity 
perplexingexistance: *hugs* I hope your week gets better too!
captaindeanwatson Maybe it’s just February. I hope you’re doing better.
awabubbles: I shoudl totally put on that lip balm and feel fabulous. Thanks for reminding me. You’re wonderful