56, 59

56. favourite food(s)
Bacon, mint chocolate ice cream, mint chocolate anything, really.

59. why i joined tumblr
I started out following a few blogs via RSS, but when google reader was looking to shut down I realized I was following about half a dozen tumblr blogs, so I thought I’d check out this tumblr thing. Plus my roommate started a tumblr first.

Ask me a question off this list

I love you


Is this in response to the how do you feel about me post, or just in general, cause either way is awesome 😀

I was tagged to do a thing so here goes! 

Rule 1: Always post the rules

Rule 2: Answer the questions you were tagged with and make 11 new ones

Rule 3: Tag 11 new people and link them to your post

Rule 4: Let them know they were tagged

1. What’s your least favorite color?

Um, not a huge fan of orange

2. What was your first fandom?

That one’s easy, Star Trek, hands down, though I was introduced to Doctor Who at a young age and had a small Tolkien phase.

3. What would you name a pet moose?


4. What’s your favorite thing about yourself?

I like my hair. It’s just on the curly side, looks a bit Neil Gaimany when it’s short, but I love it.

5. Favorite character of anything ever?

Oh geeze, this ones hard. Right now I guess I’d have to say Captain Jack Harkness.

6. Favorite tv show?

At this moment, probably Doctor Who.

7. Beverage of choice?

Water, or Diet Doctor Pepper

8. Favorite place in your house?

I live on my couch.

9. What do you do when you’re home alone?

The same thing I do when I’m not home alone, sit on my couch and spend too much time on the Internet.

10. Favorite band/musician?

Probably R.E.M. I think Automatic for the People saved my life as a teenager.

11. Coke or pepsi?


Okay, questions for the folks I’m tagging:

  1. Do you have any siblings?
  2. If you could cosplay as anyone or anything what would you dress as?
  3. What’s your favorite album?
  4. What’s your favorite breakfast cereal?
  5. iPhone or Android?
  6. What’s your favorite thing to do out of the house?
  7. Have you ever played a sport and if so, what?
  8. Favorite Doctor and/or favorite Bond?
  9. Favorite Disney movie?
  10. Cat person, Dog person or fish person?
  11. What would you name a pet turtle?

I’m tagging: taladraco, lunacycomplex, awabubbles, jazzforthecaptain, nothing-rhymes-with-ianto, sercelyn, jackharknessed, iantoskittendaenerystormborneokimgonnafreakoutrightnow, ginjaninjaminda

I was tagged to do a thing so here goes! 

Rule 1: Always post the rules

Rule 2: Answer the questions you were tagged with and make 11 new ones

Rule 3: Tag 11 new people and link them to your post

Rule 4: Let them know they were tagged

1. What’s your least favorite color?

Um, not a huge fan of orange

2. What was your first fandom?

That one’s easy, Star Trek, hands down, though I was introduced to Doctor Who at a young age and had a small Tolkien phase.

3. What would you name a pet moose?


4. What’s your favorite thing about yourself?

I like my hair. It’s just on the curly side, looks a bit Neil Gaimany when it’s short, but I love it.

5. Favorite character of anything ever?

Oh geeze, this ones hard. Right now I guess I’d have to say Captain Jack Harkness.

6. Favorite tv show?

At this moment, probably Doctor Who.

7. Beverage of choice?

Water, or Diet Doctor Pepper

8. Favorite place in your house?

I live on my couch.

9. What do you do when you’re home alone?

The same thing I do when I’m not home alone, sit on my couch and spend too much time on the Internet.

10. Favorite band/musician?

Probably R.E.M. I think Automatic for the People saved my life as a teenager.

11. Coke or pepsi?


Okay, questions for the folks I’m tagging:

  1. Do you have any siblings?
  2. If you could cosplay as anyone or anything what would you dress as?
  3. What’s your favorite album?
  4. What’s your favorite breakfast cereal?
  5. iPhone or Android?
  6. What’s your favorite thing to do out of the house?
  7. Have you ever played a sport and if so, what?
  8. Favorite Doctor and/or favorite Bond?
  9. Favorite Disney movie?
  10. Cat person, Dog person or fish person?
  11. What would you name a pet turtle?

I’m tagging: taladraco, lunacycomplex, awabubbles, jazzforthecaptain, nothing-rhymes-with-ianto, sercelyn, jackharknessed, iantoskittendaenerystormborneokimgonnafreakoutrightnow, ginjaninjaminda

I was tagged to do a thing so here goes! 

Rule 1: Always post the rules

Rule 2: Answer the questions you were tagged with and make 11 new ones

Rule 3: Tag 11 new people and link them to your post

Rule 4: Let them know they were tagged

1. What’s your least favorite color?

Um, not a huge fan of orange

2. What was your first fandom?

That one’s easy, Star Trek, hands down, though I was introduced to Doctor Who at a young age and had a small Tolkien phase.

3. What would you name a pet moose?


4. What’s your favorite thing about yourself?

I like my hair. It’s just on the curly side, looks a bit Neil Gaimany when it’s short, but I love it.

5. Favorite character of anything ever?

Oh geeze, this ones hard. Right now I guess I’d have to say Captain Jack Harkness.

6. Favorite tv show?

At this moment, probably Doctor Who.

7. Beverage of choice?

Water, or Diet Doctor Pepper

8. Favorite place in your house?

I live on my couch.

9. What do you do when you’re home alone?

The same thing I do when I’m not home alone, sit on my couch and spend too much time on the Internet.

10. Favorite band/musician?

Probably R.E.M. I think Automatic for the People saved my life as a teenager.

11. Coke or pepsi?


Okay, questions for the folks I’m tagging:

  1. Do you have any siblings?
  2. If you could cosplay as anyone or anything what would you dress as?
  3. What’s your favorite album?
  4. What’s your favorite breakfast cereal?
  5. iPhone or Android?
  6. What’s your favorite thing to do out of the house?
  7. Have you ever played a sport and if so, what?
  8. Favorite Doctor and/or favorite Bond?
  9. Favorite Disney movie?
  10. Cat person, Dog person or fish person?
  11. What would you name a pet turtle?

I’m tagging: taladraco, lunacycomplex, awabubbles, jazzforthecaptain, nothing-rhymes-with-ianto, sercelyn, jackharknessed, iantoskittendaenerystormborneokimgonnafreakoutrightnow, ginjaninjaminda