So, if you have spent any time in the ACD canon fandom you will have encountered conversations about why Holmes and Watson always use each other’s surnames and never each other’s first names (or, as they would have put it, “Christian names”) when speaking to each other, even in private. And if you have spent a LOT of time in the ACD canon fandom, you may have encountered conversations about whether this would change if hypothetically speaking they Declared Their Love or Became A Couple.
So, in addition to what everyone else has to say on the subject, it occurred to me that it’s significant that during the first of the three trials involving Oscar Wilde and the Marquess of Queensberry–the one where Queensberry was the defendant–there’s a whole thing in Sir Edward Carson’s cross-examination of Wilde about Christian names.
So, if you have spent any time in the ACD canon fandom you will have encountered conversations about why Holmes and Watson always use each other’s surnames and never each other’s first names (or, as they would have put it, “Christian names”) when speaking to each other, even in private. And if you have spent a LOT of time in the ACD canon fandom, you may have encountered conversations about whether this would change if hypothetically speaking they Declared Their Love or Became A Couple.
So, in addition to what everyone else has to say on the subject, it occurred to me that it’s significant that during the first of the three trials involving Oscar Wilde and the Marquess of Queensberry–the one where Queensberry was the defendant–there’s a whole thing in Sir Edward Carson’s cross-examination of Wilde about Christian names.
Her name was Dolly Wilde. She was the daughter of Oscar Wilde’s older brother, and was born about 3 months after he died. She worked as an ambulance driver during WW1 and spent most of her free time banging rich ladies. And guys. GUYS.
They both have That Face.
I’m so, so happy I know this now.
I would like everyone to know that she went around telling everyone that she was her uncle reincarnated. OK have a good day.
Oh my God, Oscar Wilde and family had Resting Bitch Face.
Resting Wilde Face
That “I’m a gay, Irish socialist in the Victorian era” face.
“Fuck everything about this world”
Side note: it wasn’t just the face. People who knew both Dolly and Oscar Wilde said that they sounded very similar and carried themselves in the same manor.
Both were pretty avid smokers. They both appreciated decadence. They both had very similar lovers.
Also, because history is insane, Dolly Wilde once hit on Zelda Fitzgerald, writer and wife of F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Dolly once said of herself, “I am more like Oscar than Oscar.” And honestly yea, I get why.
Oscar Wilde wasn’t done gaying up the place and came back as Dolly to gay up the ladies as well.
Victorian people: Oscar you must like ladies instead of men
Oscar: *Dies and comes back as Dolly flirting with all the ladies*