Nice outlaw name, did your mom pick it out for you?
Misty Mountains (Violin Instrumental)
Composer: Howard Shore
Arrangement: Taylor Davis
Film: The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)
Bucky…was still Bucky?
I found it very interesting when in the “but I knew him” scene where The Winter Soldier is being “repaired”,
Pierce tells Bucky:
“Your work has been a gift to mankind. You shaped the century. And I need you to do it one more time. Society is at a tipping point between order and chaos. Tomorrow morning we’re gonna give it a push. But if you don’t do your part, I can’t do mine. And HYDRA can’t give the world the freedom it deserves.”
Pierce tells this to a confused and broken Bucky, as if coaxing him with the idea of Hydra giving the world the “freedom it deserves” as a means to get him to snap out of his slump and back to The Winter Soldier.
When that doesn’t work, he gets wiped.
Bucky’s been brainwashed into The Winter Soldier for almost a century yet Pierce tells him this…
Why tell him this?
Maybe…for all these years, the brainwashing wasn’t just about being the perfect weapon but tricking him thinking what he was doing was right thing?
James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes…the man who willing sacrificed himself for his best friend and his country…
Could it be, this whole time…
he was so unflinching in his role as the Winter Soldier simply because he thought he was being the hero?
Maybe the tears in his eyes before being wiped…
aren’t only just for the confusion for his flashes of memory brought about by seeing Steve for the first time in seventy years…
but the realization that by chance HE wasn’t actually the hero…
He even had his own star…
You people need to stop with the insightful ideas. *crying again*
Sherlock seeing surveillance footage Mycroft took of John in the months following the fall and John is dirty and dissheveled and not showered and carrying a scotch bottle around his flat and takeaway boxes cover every surface and there’s trash everywhere and Sherlock touches his fingers to John’s face on the screen and whispers, voice cracking, “I didn’t know, I didn’t know.”
john is calling sholto ‘james’ when he’s dying behind the locked door can we
they really sold that whole sholto/sherlock parallel in scenes where john is forced to talk men he loved out of killing themselves
jesus christ stop it, my poor heart.
u want me to explain ‘one sided love where the other person finds out’?
here –
it was one sided a long time ago…
it’s one-sided from both sides that could fucking happen only to them
And that, right there, is why we write Johnlock fic. Right there.