john: but she wasn’t supposed to be like that
john: why is she like that??
sherlock: well idk john maybe that’s what happens when you ignore my longing looks and pretend you’re heterosexual ¯_(ツ)_/¯






Can we talk about Steve here? The way he’s looking at the Tesseract. He must be thinking “how could something this small cause so much pain?” The war it started, the years it cost him… the friends he lost…

can I just-

this is the only closure Steve gets for the war. That the weapon that fueled Schmidt’s maniacal search for power beyond what the Reich could give him, the weapon that created the backbone of Hydra’s weaponry, the weapon that contributed to Bucky’s fall, to the bombs on the plane, to Steve’s decision to down the plane {ten days} and then everything he lost because of that-

this is the only closure Steve gets for losing everything.

I hate you so much right now.

I get that a lot now







Made a wrong turn Once or twice Dug my way out Blood and fire Bad decisions That’s alright Welcome to my silly life Mistreated Misplaced Misunderstood Miss no way it’s all good It didn’t slow me down Mistaken Always second guessing Underestimated Look I’m still around Pretty, pretty please Don’t you ever, ever feel Like you’re less than Fucking perfect Pretty, pretty please If you ever, ever feel like you’re nothing You’re fucking perfect


to me

Hey you,

guess what?



Never forget that <3

Never let anyone make you feel less than perfect.


oh my god i thought this was gonna be one of those sad fandom posts but it was so much better

Im so emotional right now and this is not helping i am sobbing and i dont know why

this is what i needed right now