December programming notes

This is stuff I plan on doing in December on this blog:

  • I’m going to try and participate in the Harkstiel Holiday Advent as well. I’ve done no preperation for it and I can’t promise i’ll get all the fics, but I’ll do my best.

So, it’s a lot of writing, and i may not get all of it, but once I’m done with this semester i’m looking forward to having time to write again.

And I hope some of ya’ll participate in the writing too!

Look, I understand that what’s happening in Syria is important. I understand that it’s a major issue and people need to be made aware of it.

But for the love all things holy please do not post/reblog pictures of dead/drowned people without tagging. Especially children. I just…can’t and I don’t want to unfollow people over it.

as of right now I’ve blacklisted “dead bodies” and “dead children” so please please please tag. I might end up blacklisting Syria alltogether