pretty embarassing that the bbc used the wrong music in that new trailer
it’s ok tho i’ve fixed it
The teaser was good, but I thought another song would be even better.
wild how ariana grande wrote a whole song about jodie whittaker
Icon for $3
okay so I kinda want to start a thing
see that little christmas Bilbo?
for $3 I’m willing to draw one for you – with the character of your choice, whoever it is that you want
it doesn’t have to be christmas related, it was just an example…
She does really cute stuff!
‘Its raining outside’ promo
♥ must be following ♡me♡
♥ reblogs, no likes
♥ best url, best theme, best overall solo promos
♥ the rest in lists of 5/10 depending
♥ unlimited until i say
♥ go cuties
Friendly shout out to my Awesome Roommate. I promised I’d give her a promo as she helped me hang up my Doctor Who poster the other day.
Go forth and follow taladraco if you aren’t already
Promo because drawing is hard and it makes me cry
Promo because Tom Hiddleston ripped my heart out
Would anyone be interested if a did a giveaway of a paperback copy of my book? Or possibly ebook, if the winner preferred?