18, 19, 20

18 what’s your patronus?
I actually have no idea what it would be

19 which Harry Potter house would you be in? or are you a muggle?
Ravenclaw, I think. Though possibly Hufflepuff. I don’t know for sure

20 would you rather be in Middle Earth, Narnia, Hogwarts, or somewhere else?
Middle Earth

Ask me things

queersherlockian replied to your post “queersherlockian replied to your post “queersherlockian replied to…”

i know EXACTLY what you mean. i didn’t even recognize how bad i was until my partner was like- you need help and then i got on meds and woah! she was right!!!

My hubby kinda had the opposite reaction. He was worried about me going on them and the warnings about suicidal thoughts. But I’m not a teenager by a long shot and haven’t had those kind of thoughts since I was one, so he’s seeing now how much better I am. And appreciates it.