So I’m in training for my new job. My classmates and I are all college students, so the average age is probably like, twenty or something. I’m the oldest student, being 36 and, luckily, my instructor is older than me, in his mid-forties.

But there are sometimes some amusing age differences.

For instance, we were playing twenty questions and at least half the class had no idea what a tribble was. I…don’t know how they didn’t know?

And then last night we were talking about celebrities and connections and the trainer mentioned that when he got drunk and passed out on his birthday, River Phoenix passed out and died a block away.

I pointed out that ‘the kids might not know who River Phoenix is.’

He laughed and said that was true, he probably died before most of the class was born. I checked, 1993, so yes, probably before more college students today were born. Time does go by fast.

Everyone else sees Valentines stuff out the day after Christmas and just thinks “ugh, always one holiday after another”. I just think “Crap, my birthday is really close,” (I’m a valentines baby)

It occurs to me that on just over 3 years I’ll be 40. Bet I still won’t have my shit together.

There’s someone leaving excited comments on a MerHums fic today in Turkish(thats what Google says it is) and I must say I’m delighted by this. And using Google to hopefully respond back in kind.

The Internet is an amazing place

Apparently my muse woke up today:

I finally finished and posted the foursome fic I’ve been kicking at for a couple weeks.

I wrote and posted a short little mystrade pwp fluff fic

And I’ve got half a fluffy/smutty johnlock fic done that i might get finished today, or at least in the near future if things keep up like this.

I am so very, very grateful to all of  you readers. And to all of you that put up with me even though my output’s gone from like 15+ fics a month to like, 2 or 3. I feel bad about not writing more, but I’m still here and I’ve not stopped, nor do I have any plans to do so.

Personal rambling below the cut

The Austin Film Festival is this weekend. I went last year, no way in hell I could afford to go this year.

I feel like I’m a lot less optimistic right now then I was at this time last year. I’m doing the best I can but it’s just not been easy. All I can do is keep putting one foot in front of the other and hope that it all works out somehow.

I just didn’t realize how precarious my finances were until we were both out of work with just a tiny little bit of freelance income coming. I told my mom the other day I’m scared about graduating college next year. A little hopeful, but mostly scared, because I have all this student loan debt I’ve been piling up and I have no idea if I’ll be able to find a job to support paying that back.

I already told hubby we may end up moving because i’m going to look elsewhere for work besides here. He’s resistant to the idea, but, well, gotta go where the jobs are.

I just want to get back where I’m not constantly getting shut off notices.

I’m also almost out of anti depressants but I’m not sure I’ve got the fifty bucks for more.

So I have a job where I deal with medical stuff.

Today I had a Dr. Watson (different first name).

Then later I had Dr. Martin Freeman.

I barely suppressed giggles.

Woo, registered for spring classes and managed to get all the ones I needed. Only need literally two more classes to graduate O.o

If anyone cares:

FMS 309 Intermediate Screenwriting
FMS 351 Emerging Digital Media  
FMS 394 Topic: Introduction to Documentary Writing  
HST 318 History of Engineering

Technically I should take another film class instead of that History class, but I Have to do one more semester anyway and at least that gives me a break from nonstop film. Also for some reason I feel weirdly apologetic about taking that history class, like that’s way too nerdy or something.

Today is back to the future day and I was actually alive in 1985 (Okay i was six, but I still remember it)