me to my best friend: you’re really cool and beautiful and like, basically you’re this super amazing person and i’m just blessed to be aware of your existence
me, still to my best friend: also you’re a fucking nerd
I was starting to get ansty over a few Cap 3 things and then my good friends distracted me with graphics and SeaQuest.

Stucky “Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” Bucky blinked as Steve smiled at him over his shoulder. He hadn’t even been aware he was staring and he blushed.
“If you’re giong to stare, don’t do it when I’m standing in front of a window. You get the goofiest smile in the reflection.
Bucky blushed deeper and Steve crossed over to him, leaning against his chest. "It’s okay, I don’t mind it.”
“We should get a picture,” said Bucky. “Never know what might happen. And you keep trying to volunteer for this war.”
“Lets wait until we’re both in uniform. The ladies would love it.”
Bucky’s smile was brittle, but luckily Steve couldn’t see. They kept telling each other this was only temporary, it didn’t mean anything. Deep down though, he knew the truth.
mcu fandom: I’m gonna be in my twenties when Captain Marvel comes out!
mcu fandom: I’ll be in college when Black Panther premiers!
#yuuuuuuup #doesn’t matter though #I’m just mostly refusing to think that I’ll be almost 40 when Avengers 3 comes out #30s is an odd age group #I will still be able to sleep at night knowing that one of my best friends actually will be 40 when it comes out #neener neener (via reclusiveq )
To which I have to say:
Of Coffee and Comics (9943 words) by reclusiveq [AO3]
Chapters: 4/?Fandom: Captain America (Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Steve Rogers
Characters: Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, James “Bucky” Barnes, Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Conventions, Alternate Universe, Deaf Clint Barton, Costumes, Angst and Humor, Fluff, Physical Disability, Flirting, Snark
Summary:Despite being the creator of the very popular comic Not Without You, Steve is virtually unknown in the comic world. Now he wants to make a debut appearance of his new series without worrying that its popularity will be reflected by his first series. When Steve decides to attend his first convention as a vendor in Artist Alley, he’s only expecting to promote that new comic. What he wasn’t expecting was to run into a fan of Not Without You and fall head over heels for him. But Bucky Barnes is already in love with someone else… the anonymous creator of Not Without You!
Steve can’t tell him the truth, but that doesn’t stop him from wanting to win Bucky’s affections.
Stucky. And ADORABLE! I have not forayed much into the fandom as of yet, but this one is a must read!
Yes go read this one. Even if Stucky isn’t really your ship. It’s amazing.