— other (specify) Should I really tell you? Really? Shall I mention the long painful late night hours turning blood and sweat into 50k words during the cold, lightless month of November? Should I tell the gruesome tale of ink stains and harsh computer glare, or how the NaNoWriMo chat was the only light in the darkness? Huh? Do we really want to bring back those dismal memories?
Nanowrimo made my life better
“Can we pretend I didn’t just say that?” Steve/Bucky
“Can we pretend I didn’t just say that?” Bucky looked down at his shoes.
Steve got up and crossed the room, sitting next to him. “This doesn’t change anything. It’s always been me and you, right down the line.”
Bucky raised his head and looking into Steve’s steady blue eyes. Cautiously he touched Steve’s hand. He started to jerk it back; it was his left, after all.
Steve wrapped his hand around Bucky’s, never dropping his gaze. “When I woke up here, I never thought I’d find anyone I could really be with. I wish you hadn’t gone through all of that, I wish things were different, and better. But I’m here, Bucky.” Reaching out he brushed a strand of long hair from his face. “And I feel the exact same way.”
My roommate was in line for Starbucks while I held a table and chatted up the whovians next to me.
She texted me that the people in line behind her were complaining about the wait:
“You’re making friends. I’m planning homicide. This is an accurate summation of our differences”