For fangirlscout
Sherlock thought he was only going for a case. He didn’t expect the rentboy to blow his mind.
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For fangirlscout
Sherlock thought he was only going for a case. He didn’t expect the rentboy to blow his mind.
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Sherlock looked over the house of ill repute as he approached it. One of the more popular in London, it had a reputation for catering to more exotic or specific tastes. It was also a favorite haunt of the man Sherlock had been tracking for several weeks. He’d made a reservation earlier and the plan was to partake of a bit of entertainment to keep his cover and then track the man afterward.
It never occurred to Sherlock that having no experience with this type of entertainment might cause a problem.
Walking into the house he found himself in a foyer with a desk and a single woman behind it. She looked up at him. “Do you have an appointment?”
“Yes, Holmes.” He hadn’t bothered with a fake name, his target had no idea he was being tracked and his name was odd enough that half the time people assumed it was fake anyway.
She turned and opened up and old fashioned card file. From what he understood they had a computer system, but the cards were the primary records and destroyed after each visit in order to protect their clientele. She nodded and pulled out the card, taking the key that was attached to it and offering it to him. “Second floor, room 21B. Left side of the corridor.”
Nodding, Sherlock took the key without thanking her and mounted the staircase just off the foyer. There was almost no other sign of human activity. If he was a different sort of man it would all seem just a little bit creepy. But this house took their clients and secrecy very seriously. He’d only found out his client was coming here with regularity because he’d tracked the man’s movements for a bit more than a month. There was no sound as he went down the corridor and he could only imagine that the rooms incorporated some sort of soundproofing.
Licking his lips, Sherlock fit the key in the lock and turned it, pushing the door open. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting, but it wasn’t the bed made up with military precision. The rest of the room seemed fairly barren and surprisingly empty. There was another door that he could only assume was some sort of bathroom and he started to reach for the handle.
“Sit on the bed, I’ll be out in a moment,” came a voice from behind it.
thewondersoflebanon replied to your post: Why are there no red pants on my dash?…
My picture didn’t show up?
send it again
Yay! It worked!!! The reason there aren’t any red pants is because Sherlock put all of the red pants in the wash! ^_^
Have a good Red Pants Monday. Here’s some short red pants shower sex:
Shower Surprise – “I saw them when you put your gun away. Do you know how it looks to see you handle your gun in those jeans with that flash of red pants? What it does to me?”
teaser below the cut
John was used to Sherlock’s sex drive. Or lack of. It didn’t bother him. When he was on a case he could hardly be bothered to eat or sleep, let alone any other activity. If it was too long between cases boredom made him apathetic and more likely to sulk on the couch all day then anything else. It was just another part of the man, and like everything else, John simply accepted him for who he was.
They’d been on a case all night and John was yawning as they stumbled back into the flat. Sherlock immediately went to John’s laptop. There was more work to do, but John needed a shower and at least a couple hours of sleep. He stepped into the bathroom and turned on the hot water, stripping and stepping under the stream, rubbing the scruff on his face.
Sherlock had been at his best form tonight, spouting off deductions as he led the way through rain-spattered streets. They hadn’t found the perpetrator yet, but John had no doubts that they would. Thinking of Sherlock standing pale under streetlights, dark hair shadowing his face was certainly not making him more tired. John dropped a hand to his cock, thinking of Sherlock’s voice as he worked, the way his long fingers pointed and gathered facts. How his touch could pull back a curtain to things John had only imagined.
That last thought wasn’t only about the case.
Incomplete Data (or The Effect of Red Pants on One Sherlock Holmes) (1267 words) by janto321
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Sherlock (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson