Aaron Tveit and Gavin Creel Sing “Take Me or Leave Me” from RENT at MCC Theater MISCAST Benefit
This was amazing!
Just another WordPress site
nobody talks about rent enough
“modern media doesnt diversify gays enough. they’re all white m-”
“yeah but what about lesbia-”
“how about interracial couples-”
“what about transgender-”
(you could also argue that she’s nonbinary, as mimi also quotes her saying that she called herself “more than a man than you’ll ever be, and more a woman than you’ll ever get”)
“what about bisexua-”
(anthony rapp, who plays mark, is bisexual too)
4/7 of the main cast are PoC and 4/7 also have AIDS
not to mention this movie is a MUSICAL I MEAN rip jonathan larson
IN CONCLUSION rent is a very important movie/musical
Ok, no, you guys do not understand how important it was for RENT to feature LGBT people, sex workers and addicts living with HIV/AIDS in 1993. In 93, AIDS was only just beginning to be recognized and was still heavily stigmatized. Many people believed that it was a “dirty” disease that only affected degenerate people. Some even believed that it was a sent by God to dole out punishment to sinners. For RENT to not only tell the story of AIDS victims, but “undesireable” AIDS victims was unbelievably brave and important.
And there is so much LGBT/AIDS history that we have lost (because they don’t teach it) that is kept alive in RENT.
Things like the landlords turning off the heat because it would speed up the death of AIDS tenants and they could then bring in higher paying tenants and businesses.
*swoon* Made my morning.
Oh my god, my face hurts from smiling. THE ENDING.
I haven’t seen this on my dashboard yet, so here. Aaron Tveit and Gavin Creel doing “Take Me or Leave” me from Rent at the MCC Miscast. [x]
- set in NYC in the 90s
- real good music
- diverse cast
- rly evil bad guy has peppy, upbeat song about how he’s right and the other guys will get that eventually
- totally out of context musical number about life
- passive aggressive, whiny white guy(s)
- death looms over everything
- ur fave probably dies
- cute love song
- cute girls
- dancing on tables
- you will cry i bet
• much gay
Yeah, that question was about old movies, BUT I think Jack probably has mixed feelings about RENT. I bet there are days when he finds himself humming bits of it, and others when he’s practically singing La Vie Boheme on tables. And then there’s days when he can’t even talk about it and might even say he hated RENT. It’s about the beauty of human life and connections with others, but also about the inherent butterfly tragedy of how human life is so brief and fragile.
Everything about Angel and Tom’s relationship screams Janto to me and it hurts. After Ianto died, Jack probably didn’t touch Rent with a ten-foot pole for years.
A Jew, a straight dude, a stripper, a gay man, a lesbian, a bisexual girl and a genderfluid person walk into a bar
They start to sing
It’s the cast of Rent