(and if anyone hasn’t seen/heard the clip it’s here)
Doctah Who?!?!?! :D
THE OTP: oh geeze. um. Doctor/Master (in any form, Except probably crispy!master)
M/F OTP: hm, Rose/Doctor
M/M OTP: Jack/Doctor
F/F OTP: I’m not sure, some of the classic companions though
Fav Female: It’s a tossup between Donna and Martha
Fav Male: Jack 😀
Least Fav Female: Clara (sorry)
Least Fav Male: Adam Mitchell
Why I joined the fandom: I was practically born into it. Literally. There’s never not been a time when my family didn’t watch Doctor Who in some way shape or form.
Sea green and moonstone? :D
Moonstone: Something you love the smell of?
Wet concrete. Grass.
Sea Green: Favorite animal?
I’m a cat person mostly.
sarah-the-artiste answered your ask “The scary thing is i have MORE art to hang”
I’m working on it. I have a bunch of 11 x 17s i gotta figure out what to do with. lol
sarah-the-artiste replied to your post “Making hubby watch love actually because he’s never seen it.”
An amazing movie! Fav couple will always be the porn couple with Martin Freeman
Well of course. maybe I should have mentioned nakedness as a selling point. lol.
So far his verdict is “Does this have EVERY English actor in it? I said yes.
The Martin Freeman dancing appears to come from Nativity