Every year I actually had someone ask me that. If it was on Valentine’s Day ever year…

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Every year I actually had someone ask me that. If it was on Valentine’s Day ever year…
hmm yes, I think between the two of us shellysbees and I would ship all the things. lol.
I was tagged by the gorgeous ideophobic ! Thank you!
1. If you could have any pet (alive or extinct) what would it be and why?
I’d be perfectly happy with an old cat that likes to laze around and snuggle.
2. What is the most awkward situation you’ve ever been in?
My sharpest memory of embarsement is when I five and doing ballet (and not well) and I looked up to realize I was completly on the wrong part of the stage and had missed wher I was supposed to be.
3. You walk down a street and you see three stores, but you can only go in one. Which would you pick, the mega store (Wal-Mart, Target, ect), the boutique, or the antique store?
Antique store. Never know what you might find.
4. In a perfect world with no racism or sexism, which era in human history would you pick to live in?
I’d pick sometime in the future, hopefully it’s better than now.
5. If you had the choice, which celebrity would you want to be adopted by?
John Barrowman. He loves sharing with his family and they always have fun.
6. Would you ever consider studying abroad? If so, where?
I’d love to spend time in Europe. The UK for sure.
7. The most perfect and interesting novel ever written, along with the greatest series of comics ever penned, and the most amazing movie ever created sit in front of you – but you can only choose one without knowing what any of them are about and may never look at the others again. Which would you choose?
I think I’d have to choose the novel.
8. You have the chance to see the love of your life and watch their whole life like a movie – would you?
Sounds interesting, sure.
9. Which would you prefer: absolute silence while you sleep, white noise, or something else?
White noise. I used to prefer silence but hubby got me used to the white noise.
10. What was your greatest fear as a child?
Always been scared of fire. Rejection, probably
11. What does your dream home look like?
I’d like to live in a dome home again.
My eleven:
shellysbees replied to your post “You guys are awesome”
The John B. reaction gifs fit you so well… What does that make him? your… spirit.. person? I don’t know lmao
John Barrowman is my spirit animal?
I wish I was that confident and funny. I’m probably close on the amount of friendly and outgoing though…maybe.
are we doing movie night? I guess i can just fire up my stream if ya’ll want to come.
shellysbees replied to your post “Holy crap, I’ve written over 230,000 words. And that’s mostly…”
ahaha. I just checked mine. I’ve written more since January first then I did in all of 2013. XDAnd your writing is awesome!
it’s great when you can get in a grove.
It is lovely when I’m in a groove. And I’ve had a lot of fun talking through our writing lately =). It’s been fun.
Me too!!
shellysbees replied to your post “Holy crap, I’ve written over 230,000 words. And that’s mostly…”
ahaha. I just checked mine. I’ve written more since January first then I did in all of 2013. XD
And your writing is awesome! it’s great when you can get in a grove.
I just want to rec this story. It’s a wonderful star!john story that will murder you with feels.