
i mean there are a THOUSAND different parallels to sherlock actually representing sholto (the uniform,“into battle”, always secluded, repressed emotions, john’s obsession with them both, unsociable, “neither of us were the first”, ex-commander) and later in the exact same episode which is supposed to be about some straight wedding the entire plot has completely given up on, sherlock himself realizes that sholto is suffering from a delayed-action stabbing which is later followed with a fuck ton of “we wouldn’t do that to john watson” re-establishing parallels between sherlock and sholto, RIGHT AFTER sherlock’s long-winded speech in which he declares that john is more interesting than the same work he claimed to be married to in a scene which coincidentally involved “girlfriends are not my area”, “no (i don’t have a boyfriend)” and john licking his lips, a confession he would not have previously admitted to until this one speech where sholto realizes he’s dying when it’s ***too late*** until john watson saves him, and there are more desperate attempts to demonstrate the parallels to sherlock’s inner monologue which at this point basically consists of “i just realized at the end of my speech the same way SHOLTO realized at the end of my speech that i am in love with john watson and it’s too late because he’s getting married and now i am dying inside and i need john watson to save me the same way he saved SHOLTO a man i have been paralleled to from the beginning” and you watch all of this in a plot supposedly revolving around john and mary’s wedding which you see 0.02% of besides the gay speech and the gay interactions and the gay dancing and the bisexual lighting and the gay music and the fake balloon baby 

and still

“Sherlock faces his biggest challenge of all – delivering a best man’s speech on John’s wedding day! But all isn’t quite as it seems. Mortal danger stalks the reception – and someone might not make it to the happy couple’s first dance. Sherlock must thank the bridesmaids, solve the case and stop a killer!”