Reclusive Creation – journals for you



My Etsy shop for journals is here.

Go take a look and place an order if you want. Currently I’m only shipping within the US, but I’ll look at shipping internationally as well, if everything works out.

Starting stock includes Black Widow, Agent Carter, Hawkeye, Captain America, and Winter Soldier. More designs will follow. Pictures below the cut.

I did not turn on custom requests, but if you have a character you would like to see a journal for, send me an ask and I will consider it.

Please check it out and even if you can’t afford anything yourself, a signal boost would be phenomonal.

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They’re at it again.


Remember the Goodreads fanfic debaucle?  Well, another site is now doing it.  I just found 13 of my stories listed over on, a for-profit site where I neither uploaded them nor authorized anyone else to do so.

I have a very clear statement that says I do not want my works or translations published on any platform other than AO3, for various reasons, yet this seems to have been completely ignored.

They make revenue off your work via ads and if you want to see any reviews which have been left on it, they want you to create an account with TzarMedia for access.

“Access Required.You need to create an account to gain permission to access unlimited downloads & streaming.“

“Take advantage of our special promotional offer to gain unlimited access for 5 days for free.”

Which, gee, that last line sounds like they’re charging for access to your works, too.

If you write fanfic, please check the site for your own works, Google for your name and the ebooks-tree site.

I just wrote them a letter requesting that they be removed.  I guess we’ll see what happens.

Just a few people’s works I’ve found so far:

mydwynter, holmesianpose (bittergreens), shellysbees, mybrolly, chasingriversong (chasingriver), emmagrant01, moonblossom, bbcatemysoultsuki-chibi (sailorchibi), fanfic-by-plainjane (PlainJane),  beltainefaerie, aggressivewhenstartledshinysherlock, fireofangels, atlinmerrick, bitenomnom, corpsereviver (corpsereviver2), eventhorizon451 (eventhorizon), odamakilock (odamaki), rageofthenerd (phyona), residentbunburyistsuitesamba, whitchry9, aspieat221b, xistentialangst, jamesphillimoresumbrella (tepidspongebath), s0mmersprossen (s0mmerspr0ssen), somanyhands, thesevenpercentsolution, madmaudlinart (madmaudlin), berenwrites (beren), pipmer, earlgreytea68, berlynn-wohl (berlynn_wohl), trillsabells, apostate-tony (starkrogers), verity-burns (verityburns), scarletseeker113, irollforinitiative, sherlockedgal (phuchka), jayez-fanfiction (jayez), welovethebeekeeper, writernonsense, lapislazuli, taylorpotato, daasgrrl, ivyblossom, professorfangirl, rose-deklava, random-nexus, eveningsoother (whichwolfwins), valeria2067, jinglebellfic (jinglebell), abitnotgood (nerdymind), mirabilelectu, that-leftycurse (jdmcool), estychan, thetreesgrowodd, jessamygriffindoujinshi, jupiter-ash, moriartystayingalive (quinnanderson), elphen, codenamemeretricious, abundantlyqueer, likeanelephantfootprint (elephantfootprints), merripestin, prettybirdy979, sacrilegist, salsify, tatterdemalionlogic (errantcomment), ceywoozle-deactivated20150330, quicklikelight, lexxxwasniahc (lestradesexwife), kryptaria, cleo2010, alexysmichele, ambientfall (dreykar), leloi, consultingsmartarse (consulting_smartass),

@bendingsignpost, @kedgeree11, @anarion, @slyviarachel, @hobbitfeels, @entanglednow, @goldenusagi, @annathaemah (moony), @standbygo, @misanthropyray, @luthienebonyx, @dreamlittleyo, @fisheyenomiko, @nicnac, @wendymarlowe, @thirdbird, @mommybird, @ariane_devere, @aurora_bee, @keelywolfe, @resonant, @ellen_fremedon, @jesshelga, @expectoprongs, @charliebravowhiskey, @trista_zevkia, @beautifullyheeled, @cumberbatchcritter, @mistyzeo, @cowmow, @reflectiveless, @obligatorysherlockblog (lookupkate), @wastingyourgum, @blackpearl, @liradonne, @chastityhollister, @manuscripts-dont-burn (elle_stone), @flawedamythyst, @guns_and_poses, @jessamygriffith, @heeroluva, @moonriver, @starlingthefool, @irekyn, @aderyn, @hyacinth_sky747, @ladyflowdi, @ceywoozle, @starrysummer-nights, @hobbitsdoitbetter, @belladonna1185, @durrant, @h3rring, @makokitten, @run-along-kitten-pond (comealongpond14), @dierdre2, @iampeevee, @sherlockddfic, @@torino10154, @idontknowwhatimdoing, @eyes-like-the-afghan-night-sky (kizzia),

(more coming, I’m still scanning)

This is not a comprehensive list – please check the site for your works.

Please reblog/signal boost this so as many authors as possible know about it.

If you find your works on their site, please leave a comment so we can get a more comprehensive list of everyone whose work has been compromised.

Also, even though mine is a long list, it is nowhere near all-encompassing.  If you have time and energy to do so, please check for other authors that you’ve read or actively follow (if they’re not already listed above) and let them (and us) know if their works show up there.

Note: Valeria2067 pointed out the link to get these removed, and it’s a rather arduous process here.  I’m not sure if we actually need to provide all that or not.  Especially if there are a whole slew of us and they were obviously harvested without our permission from AO3 (a good number of mine were *only* posted there, so it makes it rather obvious).  I’ve written AO3 to see if they can aid us in the removal.

I’m on here (under all 3 names too) so yeah, take a look and see if you’re stuff got scraped up too.

Help us Beat a Double Whammy Job Loss

Help us Beat a Double Whammy Job Loss

Help Shelly Get Home


TLDR for those who don’t want to click through:

I have 2 neurological disorders that affect my ability to work at times. I’m going through a divorce I was not expecting. We don’t have a lot of assets at all, so I’m going to be leaving with basically just my belongings.

I have two jobs and I’m working 50+ hours a week at federal minimum wage(fuck Georgia man), so that I can save up to move 2600+ miles to get back home after the actual divorce, because I moved across the country for his job. The more money I can get from Etsy, Commissions, and donations/tips, the sooner I can reduce my work hours for my health.

If you want more details, go ahead and click through.

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Fic Commissions

If you’ve always wanted a Janto321 fic you haven’t read yet, now is your chance.

I know I tend to write a bit on the short side, so I’m going with prices as follows:

up to 1k $10  |  1k to 2.5k $15 | up to 5k $20

Anything above that, we can discuss. My ships page is here. I have no problem with smut or most kinks. Always down for threesomes, but I also don’t mind writing 2k of fluff. I can work with most AUs, Omegaverse, whatever. If it isn’t on that ship page, ask. If I’m familiar enough with something I might still take a crack at it.

Pretty much my only no goes are RPF (unless they’re already a couple) and Major Character Death (unless it’s temporary, i.e. vampires or Jack Harkness)

Payments will be made via PayPal on delivery. If you’re interested, you can send an ask or email

(tips of course are always welcome as well!)

So the only all-birds rehab center in North Texas is about to shut down

So the only all-birds rehab center in North Texas is about to shut down