top 5 books or albums

hmm how about both?


  1. Enders Game
  2. Time Enough for Love
  3. The Crystal Cave Trilogy
  4. The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
  5. The Illustrated Man

Albums (and this is where you see I’m still a 90′s teenager at heart)

  1. Automatic for the People – REM
  2. Throwing Copper – Live
  3. Nevermind – Nirvana
  4. Smash – Offspring
  5. Dookie – Green Day

Ask my top 5 anything

26, 40

  • 26:Do you read from recommendations or whatever book catches your eye?

Mostly what catches my eye, but I’m open to recommendations.

  • 40:Has there ever been a book you wish you could un-read?

Already answered 😀