
I’m just trying to imagine hunting before cell phones and the internet.  

The library, obviously, and journals.  And land lines.  Pay phones.  Asking to use phones at places of business.  Newspapers.

I imagine a lot more people died just because of the rate of the flow of information was so much slower.  I guess hunting would have been more localized.

#supernatural #thinking about the good old days #i can imagine bobby and john in a rare moment of friendship #sharing a beer #reminiscing about how things were simpler #just demons and werewolves and maybe a skinwalker or two #back when they had to hunt down the information first #before they had to go hunt down the crazy stuff #saving people #it was easy to impersonate law officers too #back before this new-fangled hologram technology #and fingerprint recognition #they didn’t have to be as careful about the trail they left behind

Probably why John left the boys alone so much when they were kids, had to travel more. Libraries and little old ladies who kept town secrets. Charming their way into city halls for records. Then times when they were desperate and alone in the middle of nowhere and no way to call for backup, just themselves and their guns and their wits. Probably what John raised Dean to be, especially.

Easier to hustle then too, or commit a little fraud to raise some cash. People were more trusting. Less people noticed if someone went missing. Were more willing to stop and help a stranger on the side of the road. Nobody really noticed these two boys were on their own because it wasn’t unusual to see a couple kids walking by themselves and if the older one seemed to hover and watch the younger one a little closely, well he was just being a good sibling, doing mom and dad a favor.