type40consultingdetective has been kind enough to make a spreadhseet for me to track how many fics and words and the like I do per month.
So the averages work out this way : 19 fic’s per month with an average of 1716 words per fic. So, yeah, lots of little fics is pretty much what I do.
But yeah, I love you guys 🙂
i can’t believe how much I have accomplished in one year. Really as far as I’m concerned I have two anniversary’s with AO3. May 5 is when I posted my first fic, July 31 is when I started in earnest (only two between today and then). Still this is the one year mark, so I just want to post numbers:
I mean HOLY CRAP. And that’s mostly since August, like I said. You guys are amazing. You’ve quite literally changed my life.
type40consultingdetective ran some numbers for me. With those low early months I’m averaging 14 fics a month, about 22k words and my average fic length is aroung 1500 words. And 182 works.
I’m overwhelmed by the support  you guys give me. I know my writing is improving. I changed my college major because of you guys. If anyone wants to know if fic makes a difference, here  you go.