Secondhand Fandom: When you do not actually watch/read/are really interested in said fandom or object of the fandom, but you know enough about it that you can hold an intelligent and involved conversation with someone in the fandom.
It’s like dying from lung cancer because you live with a chain smoker, but you yourself have never touched a cigarette in your life.
AUTHOR’S DISCLAIMER: This video is a tribute to Dean Winchester and I thought the idea would be funny. That’s it. It’s not an opinion on Dean’s sexuality or a shipping war or anything else. It’s just a video that gave me GREAT joy to make, and that I hope you all enjoy.
This is hysterical.
I don’t think I have EVER seen a fanvid fit its music more flawlessly than this one did. I mean, not just perfectly to the beat but also perfectly to like every single lyric. AMAZING.
I’m not even in this fandom and I about died laughing